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She was a brave, erect little figure as she stood in the soft, black loam. "So, so!" she was saying in her sweet, persuasive voice to the restless animal. "Can't you stand still and keep that pesky fly-brush out of my eyes? Them hairs cut like so many knives when they are flirted about like a wagon-whip. You may as well let me get that milk out of your bag.

They sat down at either end of the dining-room table, Simmons standing at one side, his yellow eyes gleaming with interested affection and his fly-brush of long peacock feathers waving steadily, even when he moved about with the decanter. "I had to come back," Sam repeated, and drank his glass of '12 Maderia with as much appreciation as if it had been water. "I've got a new family," Mr.

A cleanly black girl shook a fly-brush over our shoulders as we ate, and the curious custom was maintained of sending a julep to our bedrooms before we rose in the mornings. Our hostess was too hospitable to be a bitter partisan, and during five weeks of tenure at her residence, we never held an hour's controversy. She had troubles, but she endured them patiently.

Our friend, seeing our astonishment, laughed, and told us that the poor whites were very glad to borrow the burial-horse and box, to furnish their own funerals. Dinner was served at four o'clock, quite informally, in the one sitting-room of the house. A black girl brushed off the flies with a paper fly-brush, and another waited on table.

A long silence followed, broken only by the whish of the fly-brush as a white-clad Baluchi whisked it lazily to and fro over the Khan's head. The balcony on which we were received is poised at a dizzy height over the beehive-looking dwellings and narrow, tortuous streets of the brown city, which to-day were bathed in sunshine. The Khan's residence is well chosen.

She was awake, but her flushed face and wild, bright eyes startled the girl. "Oh, mother!" she cried, "you are very sick; you must have the doctor." "No, dear," the mother answered; "father is too busy now. I'll be better after awhile. You go help wait on the table." Rachel returned to the dining-room. "Take that fly-brush, Rachel," said her father.

The tail of the grunting ox is very full, or bushy; and although the hair of the body is usually black, that upon the tail is universally of a pure white. This hair, when dyed red, is used by the Chinese to form the tufts worn in the caps of the mandarins. It is the chowry or fly-brush of India.

Lin Tai-yue, meanwhile, walked up to the window from outside, and peeped in through the gauze frame. At a glance, she espied Pao-yue, clad in a silvery-red coat, lying carelessly on the bed, and Pao-ch'ai, seated by his side, busy at some needlework, with a fly-brush resting by her side.

Poor William Todd bent his fiery face over the table and suffered the general snicker in helpless silence. Then there was quiet for a space, broken only by the click of knives against the heavy china and the indolent rustle of Cynthia's fly-brush.

He nodded in reply and was leaving the room when Cynthia detained him by a flourish of the fly-brush. "Say," she said, she always called him "Say" "You've forgot your flower." He came back, and thanked her. "Will you pin it on for me, Charmion?" "I don't know what call you got to speak to me out of my name," she responded, looking at the floor moodily. "Why?" he asked, surprised.