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It is writ that the desert shall blossom as a rose, an' I'm goin' to grow rose-trees where the cactus used to be; the solitary place shall be alone no more, an' I and mine are flockin' into it; the lion an' wolf shall be no more therein, an' the varmints all are gone away; an' a little child shall lead them, an' before I die I reckon to see my children an' my children's children under the shadow of my vine an' fig tree."

Some say dat jedgment day ain't fur off, an' de folks is flockin' 'roun' de house a hollerin' an' a- shoutin' des like dey wuz in er revival. In de winder glass dar you kin see de flags a flyin', an' Jacob's lather is dar, an' dar's writin' on de pane w'at no man can't read leas'wise dey ain't none read it yit." "W'at kinder racket is dis you er givin' un me now, Brer Ab?"

The natives come flockin' to him for miles an' miles. He's one big medicine man, all right, all right!" "And I look like him?" I queried. "By the e-tar-nal snakes! you sartainly favor him, son," declared the captain, enthusiastically. "Why! ye might be his son. Got the same features. The Professor keeps clean shaven. Hair like him, too, now I looks at ye.

The pot was found afterward, and is kept by one of our families in town to-day. Injuns! I guess so. Of course, when they were about here the alarm was given, and the people came flockin' to the garrison-house, and they were safe enough here." How the eyes of the club projected! The governor informed Pip that his orbs stuck out far enough to hang a mug on.

Never had no gal myself; leastways, no good one; been allus like a old buffalo bull whipped out o' th' herd, sorta flockin' by my lonesome, an' an' " with a husky catch of the voice, "an' that thar kid 'minds me I must a' been missin' a hell of a lot hit 'pears to me I wouldn't have no great trouble gittin' to like." Then for a time there was silence in the kitchen.

I seen thet years ago. The government is goin' to chase the Apaches out of here. Soon homesteaders will be flockin' in. Big future, Dale. You want to get in now. An' " Here Auchincloss hesitated, then spoke lower: "An' take your chance with the girl!... I'll be on your side." A slight vibrating start ran over Dale's stalwart form. "Al you're plumb dotty!" he exclaimed. "Dotty! Me?

On the contrary, they often said and many of them with an involuntary sigh that "he was too purty to be made a priest of;" others, that "it was a pity to make a priest of so fine a young man;" others, again, that "if he must be a priest, the colleens would be all flockin' to hear his sarmons."

It's better than the game you've been playing," young Kenner stated calmly. "Take your own story, for instance. You've been dubbin' along, tryin' t' play the way the law tells you to. An' the saps has been flockin' to yuh like a bunch uh hornets every bird tryin' t' sink his stinger in first. Ain't that right? "Keepin' the law has laid yuh in jail twice in the last month, by your own tell.

"Them Double-yer T. Double-yers will be flockin' this way in a few minutes," he said, in explanation, "but they'll have to walk acrost me in addition to the doormat to get him before I've had my say." But even while he was holding the unconvinced Cap'n by the arm and eagerly going over his arguments, once more they heard the treading of many feet in the office.

Louis to New Orleans. I'd go a little slow about gettin' a girl like Lettie in here." "Oh, I can manage any girl on earth. Old maids and young things'll come flockin' round a man with money. Beats all." This much O'mie had overheard as the two talked together in tones none too low, in Judson's little cage of an office, forgetting the clerk arranging the goods for the night.