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It will be debated before the Military Category Department, of course, and undoubtedly the Sov-world military attaches will have things to say. But as it appears now, the fracas as we have known it, has been revolutionized." "Revolutionized?" Even the Telly reporter was flabbergasted. "You mean by that thing?" He pointed upward, and the lenses of the cameras followed his finger.

"Monsieur," began Joseph, "have you in English a way of expressing in one word what a man feels when he is both shocked and astonished?" "Flabbergasted might do, at a pinch," I replied, after deliberation. "Ah, the good word, 'flabbergasta'! It says much. It is that I am flabbergasta by the young woman of the ânes. I was taken, I admit it, Monsieur, by her face, as was but natural.

"Why do you look at me in that way, Mr. Booth?" she cried, with a nervous little laugh. "Do you mean to say you er that is, you don't know Hawkright's work?" "Is that so very strange?" she inquired plaintively. "By Jove," he muttered, quite taken aback. "I don't understand. I'm flabbergasted." "Please explain yourself," she said stiffly.

I stopped up my ears again so effectively that I heard no more, and a few minutes later was flabbergasted when Diana and he suddenly broke upon me from behind the screen of plants. My first thought was that Di had suspected my presence there, and had wanted to pounce; but she gave a jump and a cry of surprise as she saw me sitting bolt upright on the bench, with my fingers stuffed into my ears.

When I couldn't get him" a jerk of the head indicated that the pronoun stood for Worth "at the Palace, found he'd been out all day and left no word at the desk when he expected to be in, I took my telegram to Knapp, and then to Whipple. They were flabbergasted." "The bank crowd," I said. "Now why did you run to them? On account of Worth's engagement with them to-morrow morning?

"Youse'll catch on in no time now, pardner," resumed the boy soothingly, "an' I'm mighty glad I was here ter set ye goin'. Sure, I sells poipers meself, I does, an' I knows how 't is. Don't look so flabbergasted. 'T ain't nuttin'. Shucks! hain't fellers what's pardners oughter do a turn fur 't odder?" The Millionaire bit his lip.

"Humor him," whispered the Warden, "and hereafter I will take care that the exuberance of our old friend shall be duly restrained. He shall not trouble you again." Lord Braithwaite, to say the truth, appeared a little flabbergasted and disturbed by these latter expressions of the old gentleman.

Gus had extended his hand to give her a lift; she took it and came slowly to her feet; then suddenly crumpled up and lay unconscious before him, her face white against the dark sod, her arms outflung. Gus stared at her a few long seconds, as foolishly helpless as any boy could be. He told Bill afterward that he never felt so flabbergasted in his life.

I won't suspect every man, woman, and child that says a civil word to me now of having designs on my pocketbook. Why, Mr. Smith, you wouldn't believe it, if I told you, the things that's been done and said to get a little money out of me. But I WAS flabbergasted when a WOMAN tackled the job and began to make love to me actually make love to me! one day when Jane's back was turned. Gorry!

Betty was there, surreptitiously reading a copy of the Faithful Friend. She started when Pen darted into her domain. "Now what is it, Miss Penelope? For goodness' sake, miss, get out of this. Your aunt would be flabbergasted to see you here." For response Pen planted down in front of Betty the orange-colored tidy and the chocolate-red pin-cushion. "Here's some things," she said.