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Ah, oui! Vous m'en ferez toujours, n'est-ce pas Monsieur Clive? des chevaux, et puis des petites filles avec leurs gouvernantes, et puis des maisons et puis et puis des maisons encore ou est bonne maman? Ethel. Do you remember when we were children, and you used to make drawings for us? I have some now that you did in my geography book, which I used to read and read with Miss Quigley. Clive.

Vous etes du bien petit nombre de ceux avec qui il m'est possible de causer en ce moment, et vous me ferez du bien si vous venez dejeuner ici dimanche prochain, 25, a midi 1/2. Mille amities, From Lord Granville Walmer Castle, October 2nd. My dear Reeve, I was very sorry to miss an opportunity of seeing you twice last week. Our hours are late, while you adopt the judicious maxim of Charles Lamb.

Je connais beaucoup d'Allemands, mais je n'ai jamais fait la connaissance de M. Mackensen." "Eh bien," replied Randa, patting him on the shoulder, "vous la ferez cette connaissance, je vous en guarantie." Three months after that Mackensen had occupied all Wallachia and had his headquarters at Bucharest. By that time, therefore, his name must have been more familiar to our Roumanian friend.

The answer was prompt enough, God knows? "Mais oui, je vous aiderai de tout mon coeur. Vous ferez de moi tout ce que vous voudrez, mon parrain." And this dear "parrain" took her hand and lifted it to his grateful lips. Upon which demonstration, I saw the light-complexioned young Teuton, Heinrich Muehler, grow restless, as if he did not like it.

Je regrette de ne pouvoir l'accompagner en Angleterre, ou j'ai tant d'amis que je serais heureux de revoir. Mais ne puis-je au moins esperer que vous nous ferez cette annee, avec Madame et Mademoiselle Reeve, une visite au Chateau d'Eu? Nous resterons ici tout le mois de Juillet. J'ai ete assez heureux a la peche ici dans notre petite riveire.

The French General, Ferez, died there, in consequence of the wounds which he received at the battle of Salamanca, and his remains had, the night before, been consigned to the earth, with the highest honours, and a canopy of laurel placed over his grave: but the French had no sooner left the town, than the inhabitants exhumed the body, cut off the head, and spurned it with the greatest indignity.

"Oh, most certainly he will. Et vous ferez un bienfait...." "I'm not doing it as a bienfait. I need some one to help me." "I know Shatov pretty well," I said, "and if you will trust me with a message to him I'll go to him this minute." "Tell him to come to me at twelve o'clock to-morrow morning. Capital! Thank you. Mavriky Nikolaevitch, are you ready?" They went away.

Ferez took the bags out, and the others counted the money; great haste was made as the musquitoes were biting intolerably. $5000 were buried for the captain in canvas bags about two feet deep, part of the money was carried to Nazareth, and from there carried into the mountains and there buried. A consultation was held by Capt.

A Charge against the Nature of Things. Olmeda and the French General, Ferez. Advance towards Madrid. Adventures of my Dinner. The Town of Segovia. El Palacio del Rio Frio. The Escurial. Enter Madrid. Rejoicings. Nearly happy. Change of a Horse. Change of Quarters. A Change confounded. Retire towards Salamanca. Boar-Hunt, Dinner-Hunt, and Bull-Hunt.

Mon cher Monsieur Reeve, J'apprends par M. Gavard que vous avez l'intention de venir en France vers le 20 juillet. Je m'empresse de vous dire tout le plaisir que vous nous ferez, a la comtesse de Paris et a moi, en commencant ce voyage par un sejour au Chateau d'Eu. Je regrette seulement que vous ayez l'intention de l'entreprendre seul.