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She bought and bought, being real careful of course to ask only for the things she knew he had; and to top it all she bought four quarts of robin's-egg blue paint. You know that's Uncle Tony's favor-ite woodwork paint and nobody goes in there for paint but what he's trying to get them to buy robin's-egg blue.

Finest little woman in Benton. Trail to the trough along with me, pardner, and name your favor-ite. I've got a thirst like a Sioux buck with a robe to trade." "I'd rather not drink, thank you," I essayed; but he would have none of it. He seized me by the arm and hustled me on. "O' course you'll drink. Any gent I ax to drink has gotto drink. Name your pizen make it champagne, if that's your brand.

Mack has a cat that was give him f'r a Chris'mas prisint be me frind Pierpont Morgan, an' th' cat was a gr-reat favor-ite in th' White House. 'Twas as quite as th' Sicrety iv Agriculture an' as affectionate as th' Sicrety iv th' Three-asury. Th' cat was called Goold Bonds, because iv th' inthrest he dhrew.

He started on th' ol' favor-ite, 'Th' Vale iv Avoca'; an' near ivry man in th' crowd had heerd him practisin' it. He wint along splendid till he come to 'shall fade fr'm me heart, an' thin he broke, 'Thry again, says th' crowd; an' he stharted over. He done no betther on th' second whirl. 'Niver say die, Felix, says th' crowd. "Go afther it.

Teeters hesitated; then, for the first time in his life he gave his hand to a sheepherder, and, at parting, as further evidence that the caste line was down between them, said heartily: "Come over next Sunday and eat with me; I got six or eight cackle-berries I been savin' fur somethin' special." "Thanks. Aigs is my favor-ite fruit," Bowers replied appreciatively.