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"Envious, Susan Jane, envious of Maud Grace?" "Oh! you have had yer eyes open, eh?" "You just asked me about her, Susan Jane." "Did I? Well, it's simply amazin' how Mrs. Jo G. is developin' a business talent. Actually keepin' her girl dressed up t' entertain the boarders, evenin's! She's got some one t' help wait in the dinin' room, an' she cooks.

Hi, there, Tom Totten," he cried, as he tickled the defeated man's ribs with the toe of his boot, "so this is the way ye spend ye'r evenin's, eh? Why don't ye git up an' let us see what a purty face ye have? It never was much to look at, though I guess it's a sight fer sore eyes now. Ho, ho, this is the best lark I've had in years, hey, Empty?" "Ye bet," and the lad smacked his lips.

Private Secretary?" says she. "When does the rest of the chorus come on?" says I. "The what?" says Vee. "The full panel," says I. "Aunty's planned to have the S. R. O. sign out on my evenin's, ain't she?" At which Vee tosses her head. "How silly!" says she. "No one else is expected that I know of. Why?"

Bess allowed to me that before the evenin's out Gavel will be offerin' 'is shirt to 'ave 'im back an' Bess don't know the worst neither. They've put on a boy to work the engine, an' Bill 'as told me things about that boiler o' Gavel's . . . I couldn' get near enough to read the pressure, but by the way 'e was pilin' in coal " She broke off and gazed down the slope.

"She can make puddens and pies," the farmer went on, regardless of his auditor's gloom. "She's a lady, as good as the best of 'em. I don't care about their being Catholics the Desb'roughs o' Dorset are gentlemen. And she's good for the pianer, too! She strums to me of evenin's. I'm for the old tunes: she's for the new. Gal-like! While she's with me she shall be taught things use'l.

"No," he grinned, "nor in the man-handlin' business, but I want to tell you right now that I have enjoyed this evenin's performance, no matter what happens from it. I ain't carryin' much cash with me," he added after a moment's thought. "I ain't carryin' any," sez I. He looked into my face again an' gave his chuckle. A feller couldn't help but echo when that fair-hair chuckled.

Josiah looked at that water, and sez he, "Samantha, I'd love to get some of that water to pass round evenin's when we have company." Sez he, "It would look so dressy and fashionable to pass round pink water, or light blue, or light yeller. How it would make Uncle Nate Gowdey open his eyes. I believe I shall buy some bottles of it, Samantha, to take home. What do you say?

There was never anything to do evenin's but to walk in the Common, or go to the movies, if we had the dime to blow in, or just stay in our room. Well, our room wasn't very pleasant. It was hot in summer, and cold in winter, and the gas-jet was so measly and so flickery that we couldn't sew or read, even if we hadn't been too fagged out to do either which we 'most generally was.

It's youse fer de coal-cellar, me man, an' we'll see what youse has to say when I makes me report to Sir Tummas. 'Well, dat's to de good, says Galer. 'Tell Sir Tummas. I'll explain to him. 'Not me! says de vally. 'Sir Tummas has a hard evenin's woik before him, jollyin' along de swells what's comin' to see dis stoige-piece dey're actin'. I ain't goin' to worry him till he's good and ready.

Loneway an' I was sittin' in the kitchen while the doctor was in the other room with her. I went there evenin's all the time by then the young fellow seemed to like to hev me. We was keepin' warm over the oil-stove because the real stove was in her room, an' the doctor come in an' stood over him.