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"An' fawnin' on them for what is your inalienable right. It's humiliatin'," said the yellow horse, sniffing to see if he could find a few spare grains. "Go daown hill, then, Boney," the Deacon replied. "Guess you'll find somethin' to eat still, if yer hain't hogged it all. You've ett more'n any three of us to-day an' day 'fore that an' the last two months sence you've been here."

She sighed, and then smiled rather ruefully as she thought of David and his smart maids and motors and his desire to turn her into a modern girl. It was very natural and very boyish of him. "He'll have the face ett off me," said Jean, quoting the Irish R.M.... Richard Plantagenet hadn't minded her being old-fashioned. It was odd how empty her life felt when it ought to feel so rich.

"Never mind it, Joe," said Glenn, rising. "We are now going to gather wild raspberries on the cliff south of and we want you and Sneak to assist us." "Well I like raspberries, and they must be ripe by this time, if the chickens havn't picked them all before us." "Dod if the chickens have ett 'em can that make 'em green agin?" replied Sneak to Joe's Irishism.

That's what I always did and ever will, plaise God. How do you like the ham?" "Divil a so well dressed a bit o' ham ever I ett it melts into one's mouth like a kiss from a purty woman. Troth, Nancy, I think I'm kissing you ever since I began to ait it." "Get out," said Nancy, laughing; "troth, you're a quare one; but you know our Wickla' hams is famous."

"An' fawnin' on them for what is your inalienable right. It's humiliatin'," said the yellow horse, sniffing to see if he could find a few spare grains. "Go daown hill, then, Boney," the Deacon replied. "Guess you'll find somethin' to eat still, if yer hain't hogged it all. You've ett more'n any three of us to-day an' day 'fore that an' the last two months sence you've been here."

The anxious mother was counselling her young son regarding his behavior at the table of that excellent lady: 'An' mind, Macgreegor, ye're no' to be askin' fur jeely till ye've ett twa bits o' breed-an'-butter. It's no' mainners; an' yer Aunt Purdie's rale partecclar. An' yer no' to dicht yer mooth wi' yer cuff mind that. Ye're to tak' yer hanky an' let on ye're jist gi'ein' yer nib a bit wipe.

A woman, with a sunbonnet dangling by the strings tied beneath her chin, was coming down the road in a hurried manner. With some difficulty Eli finally discovered her. "That's Mrs. Given as sure as Adam ett the apple!" he exclaimed. "I don't believe she's seen me. Boys, I've gut to go, and I've gut to go in a hurry, too."

An' ye're no' to scale yer tea nor sup the sugar if ony's left in yer cup when ye're dune drinkin'. An' if ye drap yer piece on the floor ye're no' to gang efter it; ye're jist to let on ye've ett it. An' ye're no' 'Deed, Lizzie, interposed her husband, 'ye're the yin to think aboot things. 'Weel, John, if I dinna tell Macgreegor hoo to behave hissel', he'll affront me, etc., etc., etc.

"He hain't widened nothin' 'cep' the circle he's ett in pasture. They feed words fer beddin' where he comes from." "It's elegant talkin', though," Tuck returned, with an unconvinced toss of her pretty, lean little head. The yellow horse heard her, and struck an attitude which he meant to be extremely impressive. It made him look as though he had been badly stuffed.

I 'ove my papa ever so much, and I asked him, before he went away, if he 'oved oo and Eddie and Allie, and he taid he did, and that he 'oved me, his 'ittle sunbeam, too, and ett he has don and left us all. I am so sorry papa has don." As Mamie said this the tears began to glisten in her eyes, and then sparkling for a moment, in their blue settings, ran in pearly drops down over her cheeks.