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He's too well bred to turn his head, you know." "Well, but, husband, I can't do without him to-day. Everything's got to be done, you know. It's my first day here. And there's that baby!" "Bless you, wife! I never meant to take him away only to the bottom of Endell Street. He can watch his way back." "No thank you, father; not to-day," said Diamond. "Mother wants me.

There must be material force in this, since a thought heightens the temperature of the brain. But this force has its limits of distance, &c. To connect apparitions with hypnotism. This is described as occurring to the butler of the Haunted House at B , Harold Sanders, in 1896; to Mr. "Endell," and to others.

It is possible that our inquiry may but confirm his guilt; but, in any case, we have a line of investigation which has been missed by the police, and which a singular chance has placed in our hands. Let us follow it out to the bitter end. Faces to the south, then, and quick march!" We passed across Holborn, down Endell Street, and so through a zigzag of slums to Covent Garden Market.

It was a beautiful autumn day when I visited Endell Street. The great court was full of convalescents, and the orderlies in khaki, with veils floating back from their close-fitting toques, were carefully and skillfully lifting the wounded from an ambulance. I spoke to one of the soldier boys about the absence of men doctors and orderlies, and his quick query was, "And what should we want men for?"

But now, Guest, we are so near to my old kinsman's dwelling-place that I think you had better keep all future questions for him." I nodded a yes; and therewith we turned to the left, and went down a gentle slope through some beautiful rose-gardens, laid out on what I took to be the site of Endell Street.

There was old Jevons with one eye gone, and his clothes the colour of mud, his bag over his back, and his brains laid feet down in earth among the violet roots and the nettle roots; Mary Sanders with her box of wood; and Tom sent for beer, the half-witted son of the sexton all this within thirty miles of London. Mrs. Papworth, of Endell Street, Covent Garden, did for Mr.

It was Martha, to whom Emily had given the money that night in the kitchen. Martha Endell side by side with whom, he would not have seen his dear niece, Ham had told me, for all the treasures wrecked in the sea. We shook hands heartily. At first, neither of us could speak a word. 'Mas'r Davy! he said, gripping me tight, 'it do my art good to see you, sir. Well met, well met!

"As fast as you please," said I. In a few minutes, we came to Mr Raymond's house. I never knew before where he lived. It is in a small house in Endell Street. An elderly woman opened the door, who evidently expected us, and ushered us at once into a living-room on the right hand. Here I saw Mr Raymond and a lady a lady past her youth, who had, as I could not help seeing, been extreme beautiful.

Sarah talked so eagerly of herself that Esther had not the heart to interrupt her. They made their way out into Catherine Street, and then to Endell Street, and then going round to St. Giles' Church, they plunged into the labyrinth of Soho. "I'm afraid I'm tiring you. I don't see what interest all this can be to you." "We've known each other a long time."

On the west side, between Castle Street and Short's Gardens, the remains of an ancient bath were discovered at what was once No. 3, Belton Street, now 23 and 25, Endell Street. Tradition wildly asserts that this was used by Queen Anne.