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"We were not given to consider the end of a duello from the opening when abroad," he said; "but that was because we were abroad, and had no remonstrance and reminder in the face of familiar fields and houses and trees, and the passing footsteps of our own people. Here, however, the end's to be considered from the beginning have you weighed the risks in your mind?"

Jo Gordineer interrupted. "Say, Shon, when'll you be through that tobogan ride of yours? Aint there any end to it?" But Shon was looking with both eyes now at the collaborators, and he sang softly on: "And it's keen as the frost when the summer-time dies, That we rode to the glen and with never a fear." Then he added: "The end's cut off, Joey, me boy; but what's a tobogan ride, annyway?"

Carlo Trent said: "It's from Thomas Nashe's 'Song in Time of Pestilence. The closing lines of the verse are: 'I am sick, I must die Lord, have mercy on me!" "Well," said Edward Henry, recovering, "I rather like the end. I think the end's very appropriate." Mr. Seven Sachs choked over his wine, and kept on choking. Mr.. Marrier was the first to recover from this blow to the prestige of poetry.

The tailor laughed loud, and then stopped himself with a suddenness quite startling. The jest sounded awful on his lips. "You say the back end's the bare end," he said, coming up to where Ralph sat in pain and amazement; "mine's all bare end. It's nothing but 'bare end' for some of us. Yesterday morning was wet and cold you know how cold it was.

Saxham. Done for, he is, at least as far as the West End's concerned.... Mind, I don't set up to be infallible, but experience justifies a certain amount of cocksureness, and what I say is Done for!

Just in the nick of time Prescott, still holding the ball, ducked and dodged far to the left, getting around his man. Tottenville's fullback was now the sole hope of the home team. Prescott, however, dodged that heavy fellow, also. From the Gridley boosters on the grand stand went up a medley of yells that dinned in the young left end's ears.

Norhala's laughter had ceased. Somberly she looked upon Cherkis, into the devil fires of his eyes. "Cherkis!" she half whispered. "Now comes the end for you and for all that is yours! But until the end's end you shall see." The hanging body was thrust forward; was thrust up; was brought down upon its feet on the upper plane of the prostrate pyramid tipping the metal arm that held him.

Huggins and Robby were standing on the side lines, and just as play was about to be resumed, Robby noticed that the end on the opposing team was playing out about fifteen feet from his tackle, and was standing near us, when Robby said to him: "'What's the idea? Why don't you get in there where you belong? "The end's reply was: "'I'm wise. Do you think I'm a fool? I don't want to be killed."

"Eh, there, son, it's a right smart climb, but the end's just yonder! See that-er-light?" "Yes, old friend, I see the light." Sandy bent low and whispered gently. "That-er-light, son, is in Parson Starr's window. Starr, Starr! He war a mighty clear star an' his light ain't going out, I reckon. Hold fast, son! A few more steps and the totin' will be over. It's been right heavy goin' but "

Or shall we try to bounce Helen and Tibby into it? That's rather an idea. They are so unbusinesslike, we could make them do anything by judicious management. Look here yes. We'll do that. And we ourselves could live at Howards End or Shropshire." He blew out his cheeks. "Heavens! how you women do fly round! My head's in a whirl. Point by point, Margaret. Howards End's impossible.