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Here, then, is the means of determining whether the light emitted by a given nebula comes from an incandescent gas, or from a congeries of ignited solids, stars, or suns. If its spectrum be discontinuous, it is a true nebula or gas; if continuous, a congeries of stars. In 1864, Mr. Huggins made this examination in the case of a nebula in the constellation Draco. It proved to be gaseous.

Afterwards, Baxendell of Manchester, and others independently saw the star. Referring to Argelander's list, we find that the star had been twice observed viz., on May 18, 1855, and on March 31, 1856. Birmingham wrote at once to Mr. Huggins, who, in conjunction with the late Dr. Miller, had been for some time engaged in observing stars and other celestial objects with the spectroscope.

There being no Colonel or Lieutenant Colonel of the Seventh, and Major Goggans having resigned soon after the Wilderness battle, Captain Thomas Huggins was raised to the rank of Colonel. I do not remember whether any other field officers of this regiment were ever appointed, but I think not.

Some time I may have the pleasure of tasting her famous cooking that you rate so highly. But to turn to another subject, Thad, have you heard any more reports about those Keyport High fellows we expect to go up against next Saturday?" "Yes, I have, Hugh. Podge Huggins was over there two days back.

And the worst was, that the children in the yard, as the glass broke and fell, scarcely betrayed surprise. One or two glanced furtively towards the window. It seemed that they dared do no more. "Save us!" exclaimed Miss Sally. "They're starving; that's what's the matter!" "They are not, ma'am!" still protested Mrs. Huggins. "Tut, woman, don't talk to me. I've bred cattle, and I know.

Seeing that a mistake had been made, I said, 'Not you, but you, Jack, and pointed to the other. As the right Jack jumped up, the cloudy face turned to sunshine, as only a football player can imagine, and the sunny smile of the first Jack turned to deepest gloom, an affecting sight I shall never forget." "Huggins of Brown"

His purpose was the innocent one of letting off the rapidly accumulating steam; but Huggins was suspicious and followed closely. "It's a toss, I tell yu," he insisted. "'Ere, len' me a tanner; I forgot my wallet." Murphy extracted a coin from his pocket, and Huggins opened the fireplace door for light. There were to be no tricks in this toss.

If all this will not serve, prove Mr Huggins, for I know my Lord would not for no good be destitute in this time for some convenient place for his followers and friends to resort to him, which in the case I am in, is not possible to be in my chamber till after sunset, when the dear good Lord shall be, as best becomes him, Lord of his own. Most kindly copied for me by the Rev.

On August 29, 1864, Sir William Huggins sifted through his prisms the rays of a bright planetary nebula in Draco. To his infinite surprise, they proved to be mainly of one colour. In other words, they avowed their origin from a mass of glowing vapour.

"Huggins don't grade over-high for nerve an' is a long way from bein' clean strain game; but he figgers, so I allers reckons, that the Colonel ain't no thunderbolt of war himse'f, so when he reads as to him an' Peets an' them treemors an' the whiskey checks, he starts in to drink an' discuss about his honor, an' gives it out he'll have revenge.