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Grace and Eve were now led off to dance, and the others did as John Effingham had suggested. In the eyes of the belle and her admirers, they who had passed thirty were of no account, and our listeners succeeded in establishing themselves quietly within ear-shot this was almost at duelling distance, too, without at all interrupting the regular action of the piece.

Phyllis exploded, when they were out of ear-shot. "And yet," mused Leslie as they swung along, "unpleasant as the thought of it is, I wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to get acquainted?" "How do you mean it might be the best thing to get acquainted with her?" demanded Phyllis, indignantly.

With that she turned towards the terrace, I following, but when we were outside of ear-shot from the door, I spoke in my own voice, quick but low: 'Grace, it is I, John Trenchard, who am come to say goodbye before I leave these parts, and have much to tell that you would wish to hear. Are there any beside in the house with you?

Another moment, and her terrified glance rested upon me. 'Lieutenant Warneford! she exclaimed. 'Ay, my good girl, that is my name. You appear frightened not at me, I hope? 'O no, not at you, she hastily answered, the colour vividly returning to her pale cheeks. 'This good-looking person is, I daresay, a sweetheart of yours; so I'll just keep astern out of ear-shot.

For some minutes they stood discussing the two animals and then passed out again. Anton had displayed not the least interest in their doings, although nothing had escaped his keen, swift-moving eyes. Once out of ear-shot Jake turned to Tresler. "Wal?" "The horses have both been saddled." "Good. Now we've got the thing plumb located. You heard them gassin' at the stable.

You and I differ in our notions on one or two points that is all; there is no need for quarreling. See, here is a note from my mother, who sent me to the bay to meet you." During this colloquy, Dick and Bumpus had mounted guard over the wounded savage, just out of ear-shot of their captain.

Many a time the Irishman had cast an ogling, rolling eye on her, and had talked his loudest within her ear-shot, telling of splendid things he had done: making himself like another Samson as to the destruction of men, and a Hercules as to the slaying of cattle.

As soon as they were beyond ear-shot of the rest of the group, Tom said: "Let's shake those fellows, and wait for a chance to speak to Marcy alone. What do you think you make of the situation just as it stands?" "I don't make anything of it," answered Mark. "I can't see through it, and I don't believe Marcy told the truth." "I do.

"For God's sake tell me the truth, Dr. Doddleson!" said Valentine in a low hoarse voice, directly they were beyond ear-shot of the house. "I am a man, and I can steel myself to hear the worst you can tell." "But really, Hawkehurst, there is no occasion for this kind of thing," interjected Philip Sheldon; "Dr. Doddleson agrees with me, that the case is one of extreme languor, and no more."

The general turned on his heel directly, and beckoned contemptuously to Danville to follow him to the door. When they were well out of ear-shot, he spoke these words: "You have been exposed as a villain by your brother-in-law, and renounced as a liar by your mother. They have done their duty by you, and now it only remains for me to do mine.