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"WHOSE offishness?" asked the lady. "Horseley's offishness, Horseley's the name of the man I'm talkin' about. Well, hearin' that, he says: 'You hold on, Hays, and he'll climb down. That wife of his has left the stage got sick of it and is driftin' round in 'Frisco with some fellow.

But thet very night he had to hold up to keep from bein' drowned, as we had to hyar. Wal, next day he couldn't find any tracks. But he kept on huntin' fer a few days, an' then give up. He said she'd be dead by then said she wasn't the kind thet could have lived more 'n a day with men like them. Some hard customers are driftin' by from the gold-fields.

"I suppose you only took what you could safely hide and swim with." "I only took my share, sir; I did no harm; I didn't want to be driftin' round wi' blind men. How'd I know anybody could ever see any more?" "Sad mistake, Tom. All we wanted, it seems, was a good scalding with hot coffee."

"How did you come to be here, Halloway?" asked the city man in a guarded and incredulous voice. The tall man looked about him and then, since the drone of voices was again gathering volume he replied: "Oh, ye're right liable ter meet up with a driftin' lumberjack anywhar's at all."

"Steve and I sot down on the wharf, for it was a beautiful day, and looked at them driftin' out in the stream, and hystin' sail, while the folks was gettin' somethin' ready for us to the inn.

"Yes, do come right out into the old kitchen; I shan't make any stranger of you," she invited us pleasantly, after we had been properly received in the room appointed to formality. "I expect Almiry, here, 'll be driftin' out 'mongst the pasture-weeds quick's she can find a good excuse. 'Tis hot now.

A tall, loppy young female in a sagged skirt and a faded pink shirtwaist is driftin' up the driveway, towin' a bow-legged three-year-old boy by one hand and luggin' a speckle-faced baby on her hip. "Oh!" says Marjorie. "That scamp of a Bob Flynn's Katie again." Seems Flynn had been one of Mr.

"I don't want to be driftin' around jess nowhar, wid nuffin to do, an' no money comin' in not but what I'll work cheap, as I dun said I would," he added hastily. A little later Randolph Rover joined the group and Aleck's proposition was laid before him.

We're driftin' somewheres, but we're spinnin' 'round so I can't tell which way. Judas!" he exclaimed, more soberly, "I remember, now; it ain't but a little past seven o'clock, and the tide's goin' out." "Of course it is," resignedly, "and we'll drift into the breakers in the bay, and that 'll be the end." "No, no, I guess not. We ain't dead yit.

And then I'd feel ashamed and wouldn't know what to do, and 'twould end, more'n likely, by my leavin' it myself. "You can see how matters was driftin'. I could see plain enough, and I cal'late Emeline could, too I'll give her credit for that. She didn't begin to look as happy as she had, and that made me feel worse than ever.