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Winnie Mason called as he brought his roadster to a halt with a sudden grinding of brakes. It was two days later and a cutting east wind skirled about the driveway of the Park, rattling the naked branches of the trees like the fleshless arms of a legion of skeletons.

"For whom?" The interruption brought remembrance. "For my cousin, Mr. Colfax," she answered, in another tone. And as she spoke she drew away from him, up the driveway. But she had scarcely taken five steps whey she turned again, her face burning defiance. "They told me you were not coming," she said almost fiercely. "Why did you come?" It was a mad joy that Stephen felt.

"Oh, dear!" she exclaimed as she sat in the library trying to be interested in a book. "I wish something " Out on the driveway a triumphant "honk-honk!" drew her attention.

Browsing beside the road, the pony, left to himself, had advanced toward them, step by step, whinnying to his mistress. Valentine and Henri remounted the cart; which soon drew up before the gates of the chateau, where, awaiting them, reinstated in his former office, stood the old steward, bent and white with years. The borders of the broad driveway were of a rich, deep green.

And a moment later they heard his firm step on the gravelled driveway. Mr. Underwood having finished his reading of the morning paper passed it to his sister. "Pretty good write-up of last night's affair," he commented, as he replaced his spectacles in their case. "Is there? I'll look it up after breakfast; I haven't my glasses now," Mrs. Dean replied.

Between the two doors there was a driveway. On this driveway the only pale thing to be seen in the darkness was the tall, black figure of a man standing perfectly still, as if watching. His attitude was unmistakable. The long lines of him, upreared from the pale streak of the driveway, were as plainly to be read as a sign-post. They signified watchfulness. His back was toward the office.

"Lilly, naughty man is holding back one of my hands on me." "Lovely hands." "Naughty man." Silence. "Oh dear." "Oh dearest." "That wasn't for you. That was a sigh." "But I stole it." "Cheeky." Giggles. Silence again and they turned off a macadamized road that was prematurely dark with trees and into a lariat of driveway that elicited from Zoe a squeal of enthrallment.

Almost before she had the words out he was standing smiling in the doorway. It was all right. "Did you think you heard a carriage come up the driveway?" she asked. "Why, yes," he replied, "but I didn't." "Listen! Is there some one coming along the corridor?" He crossed the room quietly, opened the door, and turned on the light. "No, dear. There is no one there."

None seemed to be passing up the driveway; all stood clustered at the gates, and as I drew nearer I perceived many an anxious head thrust forth from their quickly opened doors and heard many an ejaculation of disappointment as the short interchange of words went on between the drivers of these various turnouts and a man drawn up in quiet resolution before the unexpectedly barred entrance.

At last they turned, passed a pair of big gate-posts and up a graveled driveway, and the car stopped before a door. When a man came from the house and opened the door of the car, Drusilla came to herself with a start. "Are we there already? I was kind of hopin' it'd never stop." Mr. Thornton gravely helped Drusilla to the door. "Welcome to your home, Miss Doane," he said.