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Someone knocked at the street door a few moments ago; there's no one else in the douse likely to have visitors at this hour. Perhaps her admirer has come back." "If so, we are going to witness a scene of recrimination or reconciliation. How delightful!"

Thus it came to pass that, about three weeks after the trial of Parsons and Douse, Geoffrey's uncle the solicitor died, and to his surprise left him twenty thousand pounds, "believing," he said in his will, which was dated three days before the testator's death, "that this sum will assist him to rise to the head of his profession."

After that he lay awake thinking for an hour, but his thoughts weren't very pleasant. At twelve he went and awoke Wildney. "I don't feel very sleepy. Shall I sit with you for your hour, Charlie?" "Oh, do! I should like it of all things. But douse the glim there; we shan't want it, and it might give the alarm." "All right."

Up this they climbed, one of the guards going first in the half darkness; then a trap-door above opened to douse them with warm ruddy light. They stepped out. And the scene that met them took them completely off guard. Friday gasped, and Carse so far lost his habitual poise as to stare in wonder. Soil! And a great glassy dome! Not a space-ship, this realm of Ku Sui.

"You'll have to find 'em, same as we did," replied Vincent, as he and his chums continued to dip and fill. But the clothes line was all cut up, and there was no more rope in sight, save that by which the engine was hauled. "Take that rope," suggested one member of the bucket brigade. "Don't you dare touch that!" cried Cole. "Reel it up, boys, and if they try to take it, douse 'em with water."

Douse him in the spring!" chorused the boys. Juan cried out for the Professor, but his appeals were in vain. Shouting in high glee the lads bore him to the spring from which they got their water. They plumped him in, not any too gently, again and again. "Now roll him in the sand," suggested Ned. They did so.

"I can douse a glim, anyhow," cried Jemmy. "That's my darling duck," cried Moggy, delighted with this proof of her husband's vigour. Some confusion was created by this manoeuvre on the part of Jemmy, but candles were reproduced, and the first man who spoke, feeling as if this victory on the part of Jemmy was a rebuke to himself, again commenced his interrogations.

As Jack spoke, the wind suddenly shifted, and blew so much against us that we were forced to hoist more of the sail in order to beat up for the island, being by this change thrown much to leeward of it. What made matters worse was that the gale came in squalls, so that we were more than once nearly upset. "Stand by, both of you," cried Jack in a quick, earnest tone; "be ready to douse the sail.

Keep her head up!" Another unlucky douse and another half-smothered bleat, Dorothy released the yearling and plunged to the rescue. "Go after that lamb, Reuby!" she cried with exasperation in her voice. Reuby followed the yearling, that had disappeared over the orchard slope, upsetting an obstacle in its path, which happened to be Jimmy.

"No, no! sleeps to the left old man above plate chest; we must have the blunt too. Come, track up the dancers, and douse the glim." And at the last words the light was extinguished, and Clarence's quick and thirsting ear just caught their first steps on the stairs; they died away, and all was hushed.