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"Probably they're both in bed; it's quite safe to make our examination," said the stranger. "Yes, I s'pose it is. But look to be ready to douse your glim. Boomery's a nailer at turning up unexpected." The Sergeant seemed rather nervous. Mr. Bennett was not. It was remarkable that, as the light of the torch beamed out, the faint sound of footfalls on the road behind died away.

But the man that had been hidden in our 'ben' room was aye for going on faster and faster. He stopped only to look down now and then for a riding light of some boat. And I made so bold, seeing him that anxious, as to tell him that if it were a canny cargo for the Co'en lads, waiting to be run into Portowarren, never a glim would he see."

"There warn't no foolin' her," pursued Cap'n Abe, whose pipe had gone out but whose knitting needles twinkled the faster. "No. She knowed the schooner far's she could glim her. She watched the Bravo caught in the cross-current when the gale dropped sudden, and tryin' to claw off shore. "But no use! She was doomed! There warn't no help for the schooner.

We can handle the others. We can't take any chances with Miss Locke aboard." "You're right!" said Jarrow. "I'll douse the glim and let 'em stay. If they want to cut up any didoes we can work the Nuestra back to Manila ourselves and the government'll take care of 'em for us."

Like the proverb which says 'blessings brighten as they vanish, so the light of these lamps sometimes glows very strong just before the battery goes on the blink and douses the glim." Joe looked at his chum for a moment, uncomprehendingly, and then a smile came over his face. "Do you mean you gave him a light with a battery in it that was almost played out?" he asked.

So do come into town and dine with me." "I think I'd like to, thanks," said Julia; "I'm not quite sure." "Why aren't you quite sure?" "I might be bored with you. How do I know?" Rokeby looked at her with an astonished respect and a glim of his saving humour. "So you might; er I hadn't thought of it; but 'pon my word, I'll do my best. Won't you come if I guarantee that?"

There's no use talking, Thad, you're built for a carpenter, sure pop, and if there's any vacancy aboard the CAMPERTOWN in that line I'm going to induce Uncle Ambrose to let you fill it. Douse the glim whenever you're ready, Cook.

"Even if she douses every glim on board, I'll keep her in sight! It will be starlight, and I'm not afraid, with a vessel as easily managed as this yacht, to lie pretty close to her." "Then there's another thing," said Burdette. "You're thinking they may get rid of him?" asked Burke. "Yes," said the other, "I was thinking of that!" The Captain did not reply immediately.

Upon this invitation, Jonson, seizing me by the arm, pushed me into the house, and followed. "Go for a glim, Bess, to light in the parish bull with proper respect. I'll close the gig of the crib." At this order, delivered in an authoritative tone, the old woman, mumbling "strange oaths" to herself, moved away; when she was out of hearing, Job whispered,

"I should say, yes," declared Jack; "and if the whole bunch could stand the racket we wouldn't have crept away like we did. But most of the poor fellows are all in, and dead tired, and we thought it would be a shame to invite them to hike some more." "Did you bring your glim along?" asked Paul. "Our lanterns? Well, William didn't want to, but I insisted.