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Uncle Jerry didn't interfere, though He let 'em moon around on the rocks without disturbin' the game, and I judge from Millie's report that she wa'n't missin' any tricks. Yet she's right there with the heartless behavior when the time comes, sailin' away with a gay laugh and leavin' her blue eyed young lobster man to yearn and mourn there on his smelly little island.

The blue lips parted and in the ghost of a whisper said, 'Beg y' pardon, sir, disturbin' of you now, but would you min' 'oldin' my 'and, sir? Bobby sat on the side of the bed, and the icy cold hand closed on his own like a vice, forcing a lady's ring which was on the little finger deep into the flesh. Bobby set his lips and waited, the water dripping from the hem of his trousers.

Thin he'll come over to me an' say, 'I'm goin' to Bombay. Answer for me in the mornin'. Thin me an' him will fight as we've done before him to go an' me to hould him an' so we'll both come on the books for disturbin' in barricks. I've belted him, an' I've bruk his head, an' I've talked to him, but 'tis no manner av use whin the fit's on him.

Jest like wakin' in the mornin' after dancin' all night. Ye make the garls seem to hear me seemin' to say Oooo! I was so comfortable before your disturbin' me with your horrud voices. Ye understand, Mr. Braintop? 'I'm in bed, and you're a cold bath. Begin like that, ye know. 'Here's clover, and you're nettles. D'ye see?

"Defyin' the law and disturbin' the peace," growled Sandy. "I've had a warrant for that noise ever since it scared old Mrs. Miner into fits and she was took to the horspittal on account of it."

"I heard you stirrin' 'round up in your room and I came down here so's you and I could talk together for a minute without anybody's disturbin' us. . . . Humph! I guess likely you didn't sleep any too well last night, did you?" Albert shook his head. "Not too well, Rachel," he replied. "I shouldn't wonder. Well, I doubt if there was too much sleep anywheres in this house last night.

"Dr, Schwazey," said I, sternly, "you are drunk. You're disturbin the meetin." DR. S. Have you a banquet spread in the house? I should like a rhunossyross on the half shell, or a hippopotamus on toast, or a horse and wagon roasted whole. Anything that's handy. Don't put yourself out on me account.

Who made yer heart leap with happiness when he came near ye, an' ache with sorrow when he went away from ye. Haven't ye ever felt like that, Ethel?" "Never!" replied Ethel, positively. Peg went on: "Oh! it's mighty disturbin', I'm tellin' ye. Sometimes ye walk on air, an' at others yer feet are like lead.

When at supper-time he carried her back to the room, she was asleep and he laid her in her cradle himself. He moved about very quietly afterwards and ate his supper alone with frequent glances at the sleeper. "Don't take her away," he said to Mornin when she came in; "leave her here." "'N' hev her a-wakin' 'n' disturbin' uv ye, Mars' Tom!" she responded.

Silently they went back into the bunkhouse. "I reckon," suggested Dade, from the darkness, "that if we're figgerin' to go to bed we'll have to bunk right here. There's no tellin' when them two will get through mushin'. An' it's been too hard a tussle for them to have us disturbin' them now." From the porch there came a low protest from the ally.