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"The truth is, mamma, that I kind o' slipped out on you that morning, when you wasn't lookin', and went down to ole Gurney's office he'd told me to, you see and, well, it doesn't AMOUNT to anything." And he held out, for her inspection, the mutilated hand. "You see, these days when it's all dictatin', anyhow, nobody'd mind just a couple o' " He had to jump for her she went over backward.

After supper Rodney told Jefferson Pettigrew what had happened. "Have I done right?" he asked. "Yes; we can't have any insubordination here. There can't be two heads of one establishment. Send Gordon to me." The cook with a defiant look answered the summons. "I understand you want to leave, Gordon," said Jefferson Pettigrew. "That depends. I ain't goin' to have no boy dictatin' to me."

The days when I was sent out to cash five or six money orders, and soak away a bunch of checks, he'd call a cab at twelve-thirty and wouldn't come back until near four; but when there wa'n't much doin' he'd send out for a tray and put in the afternoon dictatin' names and addresses to Miss Allen.

Boggs, in his frenzy, pulls his six-shooter, an' goes to dictatin' with it towards Watkins. "'Pull your freight, roars Boggs; 'don't you stay near me none. Get, or I'll give you every load in the gun. "This Watkins person spurs his cayouse away; at the same time he's laughin' at Boggs, deemin' his terrors that a-way as reedic'lous.

I'd just thought out a real snappy come-back too, and was dictatin' it to a stenographer, when Old Hickory happens to drift by with his ear out. He stops short. "Hold on," says he. "What Mrs. Bagstock is that?" "Why, the peevish one, I expect, sir," says I. "Let's see that letter," says he. I passes it over. "Huh!" he goes on, rubbin' his chin reminiscent.

That's all I ever have to write, anyway just the signature. Rest's all dictatin'." He blew across the top of the cup unctuously. "Good coffee, mamma! Well, about Bibbs.

It was like this. Here the other mornin', as I'm sittin' placid at my desk dictatin' routine correspondence into a wax cylinder that's warranted not to yank gum or smell of frangipani sittin' there dignified and a bit haughty, like a highborn private sec. ought to, you know who should come paddin' up to my elbow but the main wheeze, Old Hickory Ellins. "Son," says he, "can any of that wait?"

His wife was speaking in a very gentle tone, but somehow different from the one he was used to noting. "Myron, ain't you goin' to hear me?" "I ain't goin' to listen to any tomfoolery, and I ain't goin' to have anybody dictatin' to me about my own business." "It ain't your business, Myron, any more'n 'tis mine.

I don't hold wi' ladies no, nor passons neither not when it comes to meddlin' wi' your wittles, an' dictatin' to yer about forgivin' them as ha' got the better ov yer. That young lady there, what do she matter? That sort's allus gaddin' about? What'll she keer about us when she's got 'er fine husband? Here o' Saturday, gone o' Monday that's what she is. Now Jimmy Gedge, yer kin allus count on 'im.

She ain't the chatty, confidential kind. But it was natural for me to wonder now and then if they was still as chummy as at the start. He'd been away a month or more I expect, before either of us passed his name, and then it came out accidental. I starts dictatin' a letter to a firm in St. Louis, Lester & Riggs. The name sort of startles Miss Joyce.