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They tuk their satisfaction out av that, an' ut all came av not keepin' the crew and the rum sep'rate in the first place; an' confusin' Skibbereen wid 'Queereau, in the second. Counahan the Navigator, rest his sowl! He was an imprompju citizen!" "Once I was in the Lucy Holmes," said Manuel, in his gentle voice. "They not want any of her feesh in Gloucester. Eh, wha-at? Give us no price.

"Still, things should ha' been kep' sep'rate," said Disko, and the light of new argument lit in Salters's eye as he crumbled cut plug into his pipe. "There's a power av vartue in keepin' things sep'rate," said Long Jack, intent on stilling the storm. "That's fwhat Steyning of Steyning and Hare's f'und when he sent Counahan fer skipper on the Marilla D. Kuhn, instid o' Cap.

I've run her slat on the Bank fer you, an' when we get thirty fathom we'll turn in like little men. Counahan is the b'y, sez he. 'Counahan the Navigator! "Nex' cast they got ninety. Sez Counahan: 'Either the lead-line's tuk to stretchin' or else the Bank's sunk.

'Twas gettin' on towards fall, and grub was low, so Counahan ran her back to Boston, wid no more bones to ut." "And what did the firm say?" Harvey demanded. "Fwhat could they? The fish was on the Banks, an' Counahan was at T-wharf talkin' av his record trip east!

"'There's lashin's av them off the Irish coast, sez the tramp. "'Aah! go shake yerself, sez Counahan. 'Fwhat have I to do wid the Irish coast? "'Then fwhat are ye doin' here? sez the tramp. "'Thirty-five mile west-sou'west o' Cape Clear, sez the tramp, 'if that's any consolation to you. "Counahan fetched wan jump, four feet sivin inches, measured by the cook.

The men was all to the Banks, and Counahan he whacked up an iverlastin' hard crowd fer crew. Rum! Ye cud ha' floated the Marilla, insurance an' all, in fwhat they stowed aboard her. They lef' Boston Harbour for the great Grand Bank wid a roarin' nor'wester behind 'em an' all hands full to the bung.

Newton that was took with inflam'try rheumatism an' couldn't go. Counahan the Navigator we called him." "Nick Counahan he never went aboard fer a night 'thout a pond o' rum somewheres in the manifest," said Tom Platt, playing up to the lead. "He used to bum araound the c'mission houses to Boston lookin' fer the Lord to make him captain of a tow-boat on his merits.

"They hauled ut up, bein' just about in that state when ut seemed right an' reasonable, and sat down on the deck countin' the knots, an' gettin' her snarled up hijjus. The Marilla she'd struck her gait, an' she hild ut, an' prisintly along came a tramp, an' Counahan spoke her. "'Hev ye seen any fishin'-boats now? sez he, quite casual.

Sam Coy, up to Atlantic Avenoo, give him his board free fer a year or more on account of his stories. "Counahan the Navigator! Tck! Tck! Dead these fifteen year, ain't he?" "Seventeen, I guess. He died the year the Caspar McVeagh was built; but he could niver keep things sep'rate. Steyning tuk him fer the reason the thief tuk the hot stove bekaze there was nothin' else that season.

The Marilla she lay down whin she dropped Boston Light, and she never lufted her lee-rail up to that time hustlin' on one an' the same slant. But they saw no weed, nor gulls, nor schooners; an' prisintly they obsarved they'd bin out a matter o' fourteen days and they mis-trusted the Bank has suspinded payment. So they sounded, an' got sixty fathom. 'That's me, sez Counahan. 'That's me iv'ry time!