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I am merely registering, in brief, the opinions of those among the students who are best qualified to judge. Taking them all in all, these opinions harmonise with my own observations. The latest issues of the "Centralblatt des Zofingervereins" manifest a free spirit. The issue for May, 1917, contains a frankly internationalist article by Jules Humbert-Droz entitled National Defence.

Swift Walter B., demonstration eines Hundes, dem beide Schafenlappen xtirpiert worden Sind. Neurologisches Centralblatt, 1910, no 13. Corresponding Member Neurol. and Psychol. Societies of Paris, etc. Neurologist to Freedmen's Hospital and Epiphany Dispensary, Lecturer on Nervous and Mental Diseases, Howard University, Washington, D. C.

S. Freud Totem und Tabu 1913. E. Kraepelin Vergleichende Psychiatrie. Centralblatt f. Nervenheilk. U. Psychiatrie. Bd. XV. July, 1904. The Ohio State University THE first case here reported came to the notice of the writer through the attending physician; the second case was reported by the father of the child after the attending physician had failed of satisfactory treatment.

Garnier's unrivalled clinical knowledge of these manifestations, due to his position during many years as physician at the Depôt of the Prefecture of Police in Paris, adds great weight to his conclusions. A. Hoche, Neurologische Centralblatt, 1896, No. 2. Op. cit., pp. 478, et seq. C.H. Hughes, "Morbid Exhibitionism," Alienist and Neurologist, August, 1904.

Special mention must be made of a broad-minded lecture, Socialism and the War, delivered in February, 1917, by Ernest Gloor of Lausanne at the spring festival in Yverdon, and published in the "Centralblatt" for April and May. I must also refer to Gloor's lecture What is our Country?, delivered at Grütli in the canton of Lausanne.

The "Centralblatt" for November, 1916, contains a report of the year 1915-16, compiled by Louis Micheli. It gives an account of the activities of the various sections, and skilfully indicates the peculiar characteristics of each section. The most important section, the one which leads the Zofingia, is that of Zurich. Here the problems of the hour are discussed with especial eagerness.

Such facts as these recorded by Loeffler are by no means a merely recent phenomenon; Aristotle was familiar with the devastations of the Voles, and wrote that "some small farmers, having one day observed that their corn was ready for harvest, when they went the following day to cut their corn, found it all eaten." Other ancient writers record similar facts. Centralblatt f. Bak. u.

With aconitine, diuresis was not always established, and when it failed the animal died in convulsions. Centralblatt fur die Medicinischen Wissenschaften, December 18, 1886. A catalogue, containing brief notices of many important scientific papers heretofore published in the SUPPLEMENT, may be had gratis at this office. Terms of Subscription, $5 a Year.

HisBeiträge zur Kritik der Darwinischen Lehre,” which appeared first as papers in theBiologisches Centralblatt,” did not see the light in book form until 1898. The doctrine of selection was regarded as so unassailable that no publisher would take the risk of the book. Its appearance is a sure indication of the general modification of opinions that had taken place in the interval.

Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel, Berne, Basle, and Zurich; three are "gymnasial," viz. St. Gall, Lucerne, and Bellinzona. The membership of the society is steadily increasing. In July, 1916, it was 575; but now, nearly a year later, it is 700. The organisation has a monthly review, "Centralblatt des Zofingervereins," issued in French, German, and Italian.