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With aconitine, diuresis was not always established, and when it failed the animal died in convulsions. Centralblatt fur die Medicinischen Wissenschaften, December 18, 1886. A catalogue, containing brief notices of many important scientific papers heretofore published in the SUPPLEMENT, may be had gratis at this office. Terms of Subscription, $5 a Year.

[Footnote 11: Pp. 101-104. “The Temptationand theConquest.” The Unterhaltungen is censured by the Deutsche Bibliothek der schönen Wissenschaften, III, p.

Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, phil.-hist. Kl., viii. , p. 61, plan 2; the evidence seems adequate though not wholly decisive. The Roman town Emporiae, now Ampurias, in the extreme north-east of Spain, seems to have had a rectangular street-plan, though its Greek predecessor was irregular, Institut d'estudis catalans, anuari 1908, p. 185.

England’s leadership in narrative fiction, the superiority of the English novel, especially the humorous novel, which was tacitly acknowledged by these successive periods of imitation, when not actually declared by the acclaim of the critic and the preference of the reading public, has been attributed quite generally to the freedom of life in England and the comparative thraldom in Germany. Gervinus enlarges upon this point, the possibility in Britain of individual development in character and in action as compared with the constraint obtaining in Germany, where originality, banished from life, was permissible only in opinion. His ideas are substantially identical with those expressed many years before in an article in the Neue Bibliothek der schönen Wissenschaften entitledUeber die Laune.” Lichtenberg in his brief essay, “Ueber den deutschen Roman,” is undoubtedly more than half serious in his arraignment of the German novel and his acknowledgment of the English novelist’s advantage: the trend of this satirical skit coincides with the opinion above outlined, the points he makes being characteristic of his own humorous bent. That the English sleep in separate apartments, with big chimneys in their bedchambers, that they have comfortable post-chaises with seats facing one another, where all sorts of things may happen, and merry inns for the accommodation of the traveler, these features of British life are represented as affording a grateful material to the novelist, compared with which German life offers no corresponding opportunity. Humor, as a characteristic element of the English novel, has been felt to be peculiarly dependent upon the fashion of life in Britain. Blankenburg, another eighteenth-century student of German literary conditions, in his treatise on the novel , has similar theories concerning the sterility of German life as compared with English, especially in the production of humorous characters . He asserts theoretically that humor (Laune) should never be employed in a novel of German life, becauseGermany’s political institutions and laws, and our nice Frenchified customs would not permit this humor.” “On the one side,” he goes on to say, “is Gothic formality; on the other, frivolity.” Later in the volume (p.

See his Studien zur Kirchen-politik Englands im 14ten Jahrhundert, in Sitzungsberichte der Académie der Wissenschaften in Wien, philos. histor. classe, cxxxvi., 1897, and, more briefly, in Engl. Hist. Review, xi. , 319-328. A vigorous opposition to the dominant faction was formed. At its head was the Black Prince.

Herausgegeben von Friedrick Kunstmann, Karl von Sprusser, Georg M. Thomas. Zu den Monumenta Saecularia der K.B. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 28 Maers, 1859. The particular parts of this coast discovered by the Normands and Bretons with the time of their discovery, and by the Portuguese, are described in the discourse of the French captain of Dieppe, which is found in the collection of Ramusio.

Anhang, I-XII, Vol. II, pp. 896-9. [Footnote 40: See Neue Bibl. der schönen Wissenschaften, LVIII, p.

Since a German translation appeared in the following year , the German reviews do not, in the main, concern themselves with the English original. The Neues Bremisches Magazin, however, censures the book quite severely, but the Neue Bibliothek der schönen Wissenschaften welcomes it with unquestioning praise.

Helbig appears to think that to clothe the dead in garments was an Ionian, not an ancient epic custom. In Iliad, XXIII. 69 ff., the shadow of the dead unburned Patroclus appears to Achilles in his sleep asking for "his dues of fire." Aus den Sitzungsberichten der philos. philol. und histor. Classe der Kgl. bayer. Academie der Wissenschaften. 1900.

The Neue Bibliothek der schönen Wissenschaften purposely delays a full review of the book because of the promised translation, and contents itself with the remark, “that we have not read for a long time anything more full of sentiment and humor.” Yet, strangely enough, the translation is never worthily treated, only the new edition of 1771 is mentioned, with especial praise of Füger’s illustrations.