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Harper could not stand that impeachment of her honor and she quickly hissed, "Yer air jes' a plain, orternary liah, Silas. I is er hones' 'oman myself. But out wid yer pizen. I been knowin' 'twuz in yer." "I 'peats ergin whut I dun sed. Yer hez been 'ceivin' me, Dilsy; yer been 'ceivin' me, an I ken prove it." Mrs.

Harper's voice and his sober face led his wife to believe that he was now about to unbosom himself. As he had seen fit to call her by her maiden name, Mrs. Harper did not deign to reply. "I is willin' ter 'cept yer silunce fer cunsent, as I feel I mus' say whut air in me," Mr. Harper resumed. Continuing, he said: "Yer been 'ceivin' me, Dilsy; yer been 'ceivin' me." Mrs.

But he fu'give 'em, fu' he said, 'De sperit is willin' but de flesh is weak. We know dat dey is times w'en de eyes grow sandy, an' de haid grow heavy, an' we ain't accusin' ouah brothah, nor a-blamin' him fu' noddin'. But what we do blame him fu' is fu' 'ceivin' us, an' mekin' us believe he was prayin' an' meditatin', w'en he wasn' doin' a blessed thing but snoozin'."

Ef dey is stolen, you'se a 'ceivin ob stolen goods, fum de way dem cakes dis'pearin'." "You're pert, Aun'Sheba." "Oh co'se I'se peart. Hab to be spry to arn a libin' in dese yer times, but I can do it fum dem dat's fren'ly and not fum dem dat glower at me." "Will you tell me if Miss Wallingford " "Marse Clancy, hab Miss Wallingford sent you word dat she want you to know 'bout her 'fairs?"