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"Where?" asks Vee, going to the point, as usual. Miss Stribble glances accusin' at paw and maw. "Oh, they've been roastin' me, have they?" she demands. "Well, I can't help it. What they want to know is how much I'm gettin' so I'll have to give up more. But it don't work. See! I pay my board good board, at that and I'm not goin' to have paw snoopin' around my place tryin' to queer me.

Are they still practicing that wonderful duck walk you were telling me about?" Auntie has just fixed an accusin' eye on me, and I was wonderin' if it would be any sin to take Basil out back somewhere and choke him, when in rushes old Leon with a wild look on his face. He's so excited that he's almost speechless and all he can get out is a throaty gurgle.

Ye're charged with bein' dangerous characters. Information has been laid against ye by one William Tatem, otherwise known as Peg Tatem, accusin' some person unknown, but belongin' to this party, of shootin' him through the leg." "It was a wooden leg, and the shots were not fired by any person or persons in this party. We do not know who fired them," interrupted Hippy. The deputy sheriffs grinned.

"Art tha accusin' that lad o' bein' black villain enough to be ready to do bloody murder?" he cried out. "He was in a very tight place, Hutchinson," Palliser shrugged his shoulders as he said it. "But one makes suggestions at this stage not accusations." That Hutchinson had lost his head was apparent to his daughter at least.

I'll give him accusin'!" "But, mother, that won't do any good. He must be paid off." "An' so he shall and so he shall, child. There's more dollars in this farm than he reckons on, and they're ready for usin' when I say the word. If it's pay that's needed, he shall be paid, though I ain't just understandin' the need." Sarah's voice broke in at this point.

His corpse cried out, accusin' this guilty man, an' then an' there this hardened wretch fell abjeckly onto his knees an' called on all his heathen saints to save him, to smite him blind, that he might no mo' see, sleepin' or wakin', the image of that murdered man that murdered man, ouah friend an' brother, ouah citizen an' friend." The orator knew his audience. He knew the real jury.

You see, she ain't never felt right about the way she used to do the old woman, an' I reckon she wus afeerd her dead body would do a sight more accusin' I dunno, she wouldn't go a step fer some reason ur other, but she stood thar twistin' 'er hands an' cryin' an' beggin' me to do her duty.

Perkins mysteriously beckoned Nate aside. "Nate," he said in a low voice, "Birt air powerful mad 'bout that thar accusin' him o' stealin' the grant, when 't war some o' yer own folks, 'Pig-wigs, ez hed it all the time. I seen him goin' 'long towards yer house a leetle while ago. I reckon he air lookin' fur you. He hed that big cowhide, ez I gin him t'other day, in one hand.

"I knew it was something like this," Mary Ware said, clinging openly and unashamed to Abner Levens. "It's why he couldn't defend himself." Abner nodded. "My flesh and blood was guilty. Could I free myself by accusin' the husband of this woman?... I calc'lated God meant to destroy us Levenses, root and branch.... It was his business, not mine."

All unsuspicious of the trap that had been spread for his unwary feet Dock gave a harsh laugh, and went on to say angrily: "You have got the greatest nerve I ever heard about, Tom Chesney, a-comin' here right to my own home, and accusin' me of bein' a reg'lar thief. I wouldn't take a thing for the world. Besides, what'd I want with a silly old scrap of paper, tell me?"