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"MADAM, The prisoner with whom you claim kinship was sentenced to be shot as a spy this morning. My loving greetings to my very dear friend, Mr. Cloud, who, if you chose enough to murder him, will, I know, meet death as a Christian soldier should. "The wicked villain," Brilliana cried. "Nay, lady," Evander argued tranquilly he must carry himself well now "the true captain doing his duty.

Here in a window-seat, out of ear-shot of the other's speech, he seated himself to commune with his melancholy reflections, while Halfman, after stationing Thoroughgood at a little distance as a nominal guard upon the prisoner, dismissed Garlinge and Clupp from the room and rejoined the Cavaliers. Brilliana, who had still been standing with Sir Rufus, now addressed the others.

And always in my thoughts it was: some day I may meet some son of the house that cast us out and show him that a Puritan might fear God and yet ride a horse, fly a hawk, and use a sword with the best of his enemies." "Instead of which," said Brilliana, as he paused, "you meet a daughter of the house and play your well-practised part to her."

Brilliana laid a hand for a moment on his shoulder and spoke in a soft, even voice. "You have been my enemy; you have been my friend; you are now the one man in all the world for me. Read in my heart that I thank God to have known you, that I thank God that I love you. Remember, I love you, Evander. Farewell." Then she saluted the King and went slowly out of the room without looking back.

Brilliana frowned on the floundering squire. "This is a sad business, Master Hungerford, for the King is in need and will oblige hereafter those that oblige him now. His Majesty has made me a kind of viceroy here in Oxford. I begin to think that you incline to the Parliament, Master Paul. If I thought that, I would hold you a traitor and make perquisitions at your place."

"Lordamercy, lady, what of the law of the land? Would you have me turn footpad, house-breaker?" His jaws shook, his joints twitched, he was abject in alarm. Springing to her feet, Brilliana spoke impatiently. "A Parliament man is outside the King's law; his goods are forfeit, and to confiscate them as legal as loyal. I thought you might choose to serve the King and please me."

She decided that she would slip away and leave him ignorant of her coming, and having decided that, she coughed loudly, at which sound, of course, he turned round, saw her, and rose respectfully to his feet. "I fear I trespass in your paradise," he said, wistfully. "My honor, no!" Brilliana cried, pretending to look about her anxiously. "But where is Sir Blaise? I hope you two did not quarrel."

"You do not understand how strongly those who think as we think feel on such a matter," Brilliana urged, one-half of her spirit angry that she was speaking almost apologetically, the other half vexed that the first half was not more angry. "Forgive me," said Evander, "but I do understand; I understand very well; I made it my business to understand.

It is a Swedish fancy and much favored by the ladies of the North." Brilliana looked him full in the face and laughed very merrily, and he felt his cheeks redden at her gaze and her mirth. "Was there ever such a man-marvel?" she asked. "All my people praise you for some different accomplishment. A horseman, a gardener, the best at fence, the best, too, with a cudgel "

"What are his words to my deeds?" "What, indeed," answered Brilliana, demurely. "I pray you persuade him hence." "So that I may return alone?" Thus Master Peter interpreted Brilliana, and the minx gave him a glance which might well be taken as justifying his interpretation. At this moment Master Paul broke in upon their colloquy.