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"Back this letter for me" is a phrase unchanged from the days before envelopes, when an address had to be written on the back of the letter itself. "Can I borry a race of ginger?" means the unground root you will find the word in A Winter's Tale. "Them sorry fellers" denotes scabby knaves, good-for-nothings.

I'll leave yous borry the loan of it off of me till to-morrow then, Teacher, you kin fetch it over ag'in. Ain't?" "All right, Doc; you're a brick!" Tillie sped into the house to obey the doctor's bidding, and Fairchilds went with him across the street to the hotel stables.

An' in regard o' the stockins', why, I've pulled them down, strivin' to look dacent, till one 'ud think the balls o' my legs is at my heels." "The sorra word's in that but thruth, any how," observed the father; "but what's to be done? For we have no way of gettin' them." "Faith, I don't know that," said Phelim. "What if we'd borry?

"Waal," he faltered, with an explanatory sob, which was at once ludicrous and pathetic, "I war too fur off ter make out fur sure what 'twar on the ledge. 'Twar black-lookin', an' I 'lowed 'twar a b'ar." All the men laughed at this. "I sot out ter run ter Aunt Mirandy's house ter borry Job's gun ter kem up hyar, an' mebbe git a crack at him," continued Nick.

"I'll get mother ter be layin' out a quilt, or something, an' the girls can help about that." "Zuckers!" cried Lot. "We'll have the finest time ever was. I'll be sure an' tell ev'rybody down my way. An' we'll all bring powder an' shot; it won't matter so much about guns, for them that don't have 'em can borry of them that has, when it comes to shootin'."

"Well, if you leave it to me," said Sim Gage mildly, "all this here seems kind of sudden. You come in afore I'm up, and tell me to burn my bed, and sleep in a tent, and borry a wagon and team and go to town fer to marry a girl I never seen. That don't look reason'ble to me, especial since I ain't had no hand in it." "It's up to you now." "How do I know whether I want that girl or not?

And he'd paid the doctor, too, and laughed and said he'd come some day and borry the money back when he got busted playing poker! "And then, all of a sudden, when you'd have thought he was soft that way clean through," she went on, her eyes blazing now at the memory of it, "them Bedloe boys come over lookin' for trouble. An' Buck sure gave it to them!" "Tell me about it," the girl said quickly.

Pa finally convinced Ma that it was not him, and then they decided it was the house that smelled so, as well as the church, and all Sunday afternoon they went visiting, and this morning Pa went down to the health office and got the inspector of nuisances to come up to the house, and when he smelled around a spell he said there was dead rats in the main sewer pipe, and they sent for plumbers, and Ma went out to a neighbors to borry some fresh air, and when the plumbers began to dig up the floor in the basement I came over here.

"Well, I reckon if you was up as early as Mis' Braile, you'd know it was broad day. No, I hain't come to borry anything exactly, but I was just tellin' her that if she'd lend me a fryun' of bacon, I'd do as much for her some day. She ast me to tell you your breakfast was ready and not to wait till your comp'ny was gone, but bring anybody you got with you."

And they started the next mornin' at sunrise for Shadow Island as I spozed. Till the next day but one Miss Gowdey come over to borry a drawin' of tea and she sez, "Serenus and Josiah are havin' a gay time at Coney Island. I've jest had a card from Serenus." You could have knocked me down with a pin feather.