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Ye wad gar the fowk lauch." "What's the richt flooer to tak' to the kirk, Annie?" "Ay! ay! Sic like's what?" asked Cupples, for he had found in Annie a poetic nature that delighted him. "Ow! sic like's thyme and southren-wood, and maybe a bittie o' mignonette." "Ay! ay! And sae the cowmon custom abuses you, young, bonnie lammies o' the flock.

"And gin I can see through a millstane a wee bittie, she'll gi'e ye the chance to make up yourn afore lang." "Nay, mine's made up long since," answered Sophy. "I shall see the back of her with a deal more pleasure than I did her face a month ago. Won't you, Cary?" "I don't like her the least bit," said I.

Now, with the dog's instinct for the dog-lover, Bobby made his way about the room unnoticed, and set his short, shagged paws up on this man's knee. "Bless my soul, gentlemen, here's the little dog now, and a beautiful specimen of the drop-eared Skye he is. Why didn't you say that the 'bittie' dog was of the Highland breed, Sergeant?

But there was no way o' leaving the rock, for the deep waters were round an' round me; an' I saw the tide covering one wee bittie after another, till at last the whole was covered. An' yet I had but little fear; for I remembered that baith Earnest an' William were in the sea afore me; an' I had the feeling that I could hae rest nowhere but wi' them.

Now, here's you. Ye lie on your wame a bittie in the bield of this wood, and ye tell me that ye've cuist off these Frasers and Macgregors. Why! Because I couldnae see them, says you. Ye blockhead, that's their livelihood." "Take the worst of it," said I, "and what are we to do?" "I am thinking of that same," said he. "We might twine.

Ye lie on your wame a bittie in the bield of this wood, and ye tell me that ye've cuist off these Frasers and Macgregors. Why! Because I couldna see them, says you. Ye blockhead, that's their livelihood." "Take the worst of it," said I, "and what are we to do?" "I am thinking of that same," said he. "We might twine. It wouldna be greatly to my taste; and forbye that, I see reasons against it.

But I watched him, an' at the henmist verse, when they said terriple quick, "I wudna gie a button for her," I juist edged alang a bittie, an' Sandy's elba missin', he juist exakly landit pargeddis in a fisherwife's lap that was sittin' ahent's. There was plenty o' lauchin' an' clappin' whaur we was, I can tell ye.

The slamming of a shutter overhead shocked him to a standstill on the landing and sent him dropping slowly down again. What memories surged back to his little brain, what grief gripped his heart, as he stood trembling on a certain spot in the pavement where once a long deal box had rested! "What ails the bittie dog?" There was something here that sobered the thoughtless boys. "Come awa', Bobby!"

Aye, aye, it's a heartless world, laddie!" He kissed the old woman, and then she tried to coax him to eat. "Come, come, a wee bittie, just a wee bittie. We must eat our supper anyway." "God seems dead and heaven a long way off!" he murmured. "And a drap o' whisky will do no harm a wee drappie." "There's only one thing clear God sees I'm unfit for the work, so he has taken it away from me."

Bittie doggies an' laddies are fair daft aboot the soldiers. Ay, he's bonny, an' weel cared for, by the ordinar'. I wonder gin he's still leevin' i' the grand auld kirkyaird." Wary of her remembered endearments, Bobby kept a safe distance from the maidie, but he sat up and lolled his tongue, quite willing to pay her a friendly visit.