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"What makes you ask?" he inquired, after a second's reflection. "I heard what Mrs. Bayford said." "And how should you feel if I were?" "It would depend." "On what?" "On whether or not it was any one I liked." "That's fair. And if it was some one whom you did like?" "Then it would depend on whether or not it was Diane." "And if it was Diane?" "I should be very glad." "Why?"

Ballast had been given at first by bashfulness, disappointment, and anxiety, but she had been freed from her troubles with Gilbert, had gained confidence in herself, and had taken her position at Bayford.

I don't know where it mightn't have ended; but of course when all this happened, and we got wind of Bienville's entanglement with Mrs. Eveleth, we had to put a stop to the thing, and pack her off to America. She'll stay there with her aunt, Mrs. Bayford, till it blows over." "And your friend Bienville? Hasn't he brought himself within the clutches of the law?"

A grand wedding was 'expected, so all the Bayford flys were bespoken three deep, a cake was ordered from Gunter, and so many invitations sent out, that Albinia speculated how all were to come alive out of the little dining-room. And Mr. Kendal the presiding gentleman!

It would have been nothing unusual if I had." "In that case," he said, slowly, "you can't be surprised " "I'm not," she hastened to say. "If Mrs. Bayford retaliates, now that she has the power, she's within her right a right which scarcely any woman would forego. It was perfectly natural for Mrs. Bayford to speak ill of me; and it was equally natural for you to spring to my defence.

'There's your victim, Winifred, said Maurice, as they drove away, and looked back at Albinia, scandalizing Bayford by standing in the open gateway, her face all smiles of cheerful parting, the sun and wind making merry with her chestnut curls, her baby in one arm, the other held up to wave her farewell. 'That child will catch cold, began Winifred, turning to sign her to go in.

'It must be a forlorn condition, said Albinia; 'he is above the other clerks, and he seems to be voted below the Bayford Elite, since the Polysyllable has made it so very refined! One never meets him anywhere now it is too dark to walk after the banking hours. Cannot we ask him to come in some evening? 'We cannot have our evenings broken up, said Mr. Kendal.

Bayford, he knew the value of his indiscretion if indiscretion it were to any purveyor of tea-table gossip; and while Diane and he remained in the same relative positions he was sure it was being bruited about, with his own authority, that they were to become man and wife.

What should I do with them to entertain? 'Very well, said Mr. Kendal, 'you must be the judge. If there be no necessity, I shall be glad to avoid unsettling our habits, and probably Bayford would hardly afford much enjoyment to your aunts. Albinia glanced in his face, and in that of her brother, with her own arch fun.

Nobody could be surprised when, towards the long vacation, tidings came to Bayford, that after long forbearance on the part of the authorities, the insubordination and riotous conduct of the two young men could be endured no longer. It appeared that young Dusautoy, with his weak head and obstinate will, had never attempted to bend to rules, but had taken every reproof as an insult and defiance.