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I wish Edmund knew him better but oh! what a shy man it is! With a light step she went down-stairs, and found Mr Kendal waiting for her in the dining-room, his face brightening as she entered. 'I am sorry Bayford should wear this heavy cloud to receive you, he said. 'It will soon clear, she answered, cheerfully. 'Have you heard of poor Gilbert this morning?

'I like the people, said Albinia, 'but they never can be well while they live in such a shocking place. It is quite a disgrace to Bayford. 'It is in a sad state, said Mr. Dusautoy. 'I know I should like to set my brother upon that Mr. Pettilove, who they say will do nothing, exclaimed Albinia. The Vicar was going to have said something, but a look from his wife checked him.

Planets hostile to the tender passion must have been in the ascendant, for the result of Captain Ferrars's pursuit of his brother to Italy was the wholesome certainty that his own slender portion was all he had to reckon upon. Before returning to Canada, he came to Bayford to pour out his troubles to his cousin, and to induce her, if he could induce no one else, to advise his immediate marriage.

The Kendals claimed her promise of a long visit, or rather that she should come home, and take time and choice in making any fresh engagement, nay, that she should not even inquire for a situation till after Christmas. And after staying to the last moment when she could help the Rainsforths, she proposed to spend a day or two with her aunt at the convent, and then come to her friends at Bayford.

There was a great similarity in those Bayford parties, inasmuch as the same cook dressed them all, and the same waiters waited at them, and the same guests met each other, and the principal variety on this occasion was, that the Osborns did not come, because the Admiral was in London.

Kendal, this is kind! and led her to the back drawing-room, where they were with one impulse enfolded in each other's tearful embrace. 'Oh! madame, how much you have suffered! 'You know all? said Albinia. 'O no, very little. My aunt knows little of Bayford now, and her sight is too weak for much writing.

Kendal returned the unfortunate sketch, but one of the points on which he was sensitive, was the sacredness of his correspondence, and all that she heard was, that Ulick had answered 'not at all as Mr. Kendal had expected; he was nothing but an Irishman, after all. But at last she obtained a sight of the note. 'Bayford, Nov. 20th, 1854. 'Dear Sir,

Indeed, Bayford was so excited about its hero, that there were symptoms of plans for a grand reception with speeches, cheers, and triumphal arches, which caused Sophy to say she hoped that he would come suddenly without any notice, so as to put a stop to all that nonsense; while Albinia could not help nourishing a strange vague expectation that his return would be the beginning of better days.

But it was not only on his account that she avoided the invitation, she by no means wished to show Bayford to her fastidious aunts, and felt as if to keep them satisfied and comfortable would be beyond her power. Set free from this dread, and his familiarity with his brother-in-law renewed, Mr. Kendal came out to great advantage at the early dinner.

'But step this way, and I'll show you the best view in Bayford. He took her up a step or two, to a little turfed mound, where there was a rustic seat commanding the whole exquisite view of river, vale, and woodland, with the church tower rising in the foreground. The wind blew pleasantly, chasing the shadows of the clouds across the open space.