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Albinia was so radiantly lively and good-natured, and her assistants, Winifred, Maurice, and Mr. Dusautoy, so kind, so droll, so inventive, that even Aunt Maria forgot herself in enjoyment and novelty, and was like a different person. Mr. Kendal looked at her with a pleased sad wonder, and told his wife it reminded him of what she had been when she was nearly the prettiest girl at Bayford.

All the others do what good they mean to do according to their own sweet will, free and independent women, and we can't have any district system, so I think you can only do what just comes to hand. Most heartily did Albinia undertake all that Mrs. Dusautoy would let her husband assign to her. 'Yes, John is a strong temptation, said the bright little invalid, 'but you must let Mrs.

Cavendish Dusautoy turned the conversation to the provision of pistols, couriers, and guards, for travelling through the Abruzzi. The polysyllabic courage, and false alarms on such a scale, completely eclipsed a real pick-pocket, caught by a gipsy's cur and a banker's clerk.

To do him justice I believe he would, but the question is, what answer he would have had. 'Nobody could have refused began Albinia. 'Oh! cried Mrs. Dusautoy. 'Little you know Bayford. 'Fanny! Fanny! this is too bad. Madame Belmarche 'Would have had nothing but eau sucre! No, John, decidedly you and Simkins fell upon your legs, and you bad better take credit for your "admirable sagacity.".

'Not exactly; something about grandpapa's old settlement; which frightened the Vicar, though Mrs. Dusautoy said that it was only that he fancied nobody could do anything right without his help. Mr. Dusautoy is more angry with Algernon than I thought he could be with anybody. 'No one but Algernon would have ever thought of it, said Mr. Kendal. 'I am sorry he has molested you, my dear.

I did not know it was so late, and a face as bright as all the rest was turned towards the window. 'Ah! give her her scholars, and she never knows how time passes, said Mr. Dusautoy.

He went early on Saturday morning, and young Dusautoy, arriving in the evening, was first ushered into the library; while Albinia did her best to soothe the excited nerves and fluttering spirits of Lucy, who was exceedingly ashamed to meet him again under the eyes of others, after such a course of stolen interviews, and what she had been told of her influence doing him good only alarmed her the more.

'I was much astonished at the contents of your letter of this morning, and greatly concerned that Mr. Cavendish Dusautoy should have done so much honour to any production of mine, as to alter his arrangements on that account.

She wrote to her brother, and found that he likewise thought a tutor would be a safe alternative; but then he must be a perfect man in a perfect climate, and Mr. Kendal was not the man to make researches. Mr. Dusautoy mentioned one clergyman who took pupils, Maurice Ferrars another, but there was something against each. Mr.

'I'm sure I don't see why papa should mind it so much, continued Lucy. 'Mr. Cavendish Dusautoy told me his friend Lord Reginald Raymond had been rusticated twice, and expelled at last. 'What do you think of it, Sophy? asked the vicar, anxiously. 'I don't feel as if any of us could ever look up again, she answered very low. 'Why, no; not that exactly.