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Vous tient d'un doux sommeil encor les yeux silléee. Ça, ça, que je les baise, et votre beau tetin, Cent fois, pour vous apprendre

His love of Greek terms is admirably described in a little epigram, made on his new tarif of weights and measures, in which the grams and killograms, and metres and killometres are introduced. Les Grecs pour nous ont tant d'attraits Qui pour se faire bien entendre, Et pour comprendre le Français Ce'st le Greque qu'il faut apprendre. He was particularly anxious that his police should be perfect.

"Ha!" he said, "Alexandrines, the tragic metre. I shall cherish this, your Highness, like a relic; no more suitable offering, although I say it, could be made. 'Dieux de l'immense plaine et des vastes forêts. Very good," he said, "very good indeed! 'Et du geôlier lui-même apprendre des leçons. Most handsome, begad!"

Her doctrines had taken no hold among them; she had never known one who had appris a apprendre; she could not even get a woman secretary; 'they don't know the names of the Cabinet Ministers they don't know which of the Churches has Bishops and which not'. As for the spirit of self-sacrifice, well Sidney Herbert and Arthur Clough were men, and they indeed had shown their devotion; but women ! She would mount three widow's caps 'for a sign'. The first two would be for Clough and for her Master; but the third 'the biggest widow's cap of all' would be for Aunt Mai.

'Ha! he said, 'Alexandrines, the tragic metre. I shall cherish this, your Highness, like a relic; no more suitable offering, although I say it, could be made. "DIEUX DE L'IMMENSE PLAINE ET DES VASTES FORETS." Very good, he said, 'very good indeed! "ET DU GEOLIER LUI-MEME APPRENDRE DES LECONS." Most handsome, begad!

"J'ai vecu moi-meme comme un mendiant, pour apprendre a des mendiants a vivre comme des hommes." We sat a long time on the great marble pedestal, gazing into the benevolent face, and reviewing the simple, self-sacrificing life of the great educator, and then started on a tour of inspection.

Ce fut alors qu'il me fallut apprendre

It 's not in my character to dandle one when I see two waiting to be caught; 'voyager, apprendre, c'est plus fort que moi'." He paused; then, with a nervous goggle of the eyes and an ironic smile he said: "Besides, 'mon cher monsieur', it is better that I go. I have never been one to hug illusions, and I see pretty clearly that my presence is hardly acceptable in this house."

What shall we do?" Elizabeth Eliza was consulting her father. What should they do? How should they make them understand that they invited them to teach, not lunch. Elizabeth Eliza begged Agamemnon to look out "apprendre" in the dictionary. It must mean to teach. Alas, they found it means both to teach and to learn! What should they do?

"Il est joli garcon," replied Madame de Fontanges. "Donnez-lui des habits, Fontanges; et ne l'envoyez pas encore." "Et pourquoi, mon amie?" "Je voudrois lui apprendre le Francais." "Cela ne se peut pas, ma chere; il est prisonnier." "Cela se peut, Monsieur de Fontanges," replied the lady. "Je n'ose pas," continued the husband. "Moi j'ose," replied the lady, decidedly.