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"You wicked girl! where did you get it?" asked Dimple, fiercely. "Found it." "You didn't. You've been stealing. You stole it from my box that I left on the porch yesterday. What were you going to do with it?" "Make a frock for Floridy Alabamy." "Why didn't you ask for something, instead of taking what didn't belong to you?" Bubbles was silent.

"I was born in Russell County, Alabamy, an' can tell you 'bout my own mammy an' pappy an' sisters an' brudders. "Mammy's name was Darkis an' her Marster was John Bussey, a reg'lar old drunkard, an' my pappy's name was John Robertson an' b'longed to Dr. Robertson, a big farmer on Tombigbee river, five miles east of Columbus. De doctor hisself lived in Columbus.

"Who?" said Dimple, with her scissors ready to cut into the pink. "Floridy Alabamy," said Bubbles, gravely. "What a name!" shrieked Dimple, throwing back her head in a fit of laughter. "Florence, did you hear? Floridy Alabamy." And the girls laughed till the tears ran down their cheeks. "Bubbles, you are too ridiculous," said Dimple, while Bubbles pinned her bit of scarlet on her doll.

I was dispinted. State arter State seseshed and it growed hotter and hotter for the undersined. Things came to a climbmacks in a small town in Alabamy, where I was premtorally ordered to haul down the Stars & Stripes. The Southern Eagle is screamin threwout this sunny land proudly and defiantly screamin, Sir!" "What's the matter with him?" sez I; "don't his vittles sit well on his stummick?"

No, the other way, will look best, because the velvet is thickest, the skirt of pink and the waist of blue." "Well, I will have to make my doll's frock of all the same, with velvet trimming. Will that look well?" "Lovely! What are you going to do with your piece, Bubbles?" "Make a overskirt for Floridy Alabamy," said Bubbles, importantly.

"I kin see old Lady Sally now, cookin' for us niggers, an' Ruth cooked in de white folk's kitchen. Ruth an' old Man Pleas' an' old Lady Susan was give to Marse Bob when he mar'ied an' come to Sandford, Alabamy. "No, dere wa'nt no jails, but a guard house. When niggers did wrong, dey was oft'n sent dere, but mos' allus dey was jes whupped when too lazy to wuk, an' when dey would steal.

The dolls were laid away in state for the next day, and at the sound of the dinner bell, the girls went into dinner. Since the arrival of Florence, Dimple had not cared so much for Bubbles' society, and sometimes objected to her joining in their plays; but Bubbles, by the gift of Floridy Alabamy, did not lack amusement, and could be seen almost any afternoon happy with her doll.

Wa'nt dat much, tho', fer big strong mans brung mo' dan wimmens an' gals." Long pauses accentuated the quavery voice of the old Negro, whose head resembled a nappy patch of cotton, and who was so enthusiastic over reminiscing about the days when she was young and carefree. "I was born in Huntsville, Alabamy, an' my mammy an' pappy was name Silby an' Sharper Conley.

"She ain't nothin' so wonderful of a State as you might think: she ain't no bigger 'n Maine 'n' New York and Alabamy, 'n' Afriky 'n' Bar Harbor all put into one!" "Great heavens!" said I, scratching my feeble little cane into the earth, "is she that?"

"I am not in the burying business, my friend, and after you are dead, you had better send for your sons to do the job, for they will know where to find the grave of the departed companion of your joys and sorrows," replied Christy, as the boat came in sight of the bowsprit of the Reindeer again. "My sons done gone away to Alabamy, sar, and" "That's enough about that.