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Tucker. Mrs. Reardon had as her only work a one night job at scrubbing. "She ought to have come an hour ago." "Her rheumatism was bad when she started," said Susan. "I guess she worked slow." When Mrs. Tucker had finished her second cup she put on her shoes, overskirt and waist, made a few passes at her hair. She was ready to go to work.

To appear well in his eyes was, therefore, Eugenia's ambition; and the time which was not spent in giving directions at Rose Hill, was occupied at home in scolding, because her mother would not devise a way by which she could obtain a new pink satin dress, with lace overskirt, and flowers to match. It was in vain that Mrs.

Dinner being over they went up to Rosamond's chamber, the closet of which contained the bridal robes. "Two o'clock," said Rosamond, consulting her watch, then bringing out the rich white satin and exquisite overskirt of lace, she continued, "I shall have just time to try this on, hear your story and get dressed before Mr. Browning comes. How short the day seems with you here!

Attached to the lower side of the train on the left was a scarf of soft, white India silk, looped high, and forming an overskirt, which was bordered on the edge with orange-blossoms. Across the bodice were full folds of muslin, edged with orange- blossoms. Long gloves were worn to meet the short sleeves.

In the centre of her bedroom, with her back turned to that bookcase which was filled with sugared false-hoods about life, Virginia was standing very straight while Miss Willy Whitlow knelt at her feet and sewed pale blue bows on her overskirt of white organdie.

Just then Sylvy called her, and she ran off, holding her doll admiringly at arm's length. "She will dress it just like a darkey. You see," said Dimple, "she has a purple dress on it now; think of that, with a scarlet overskirt; and I know she will make it a blue waist out of one of my old sash ribbons I gave her." And sure enough, Floridy Alabamy did wear the three colors in triumph.

The bodice part, was of heavily gold-spangled material, and a kind of overskirt arrangement was a lot of long gold fringe made of beads. Instead of a yoke, there were shoulder straps of these same beads, and the sleeves weren't there. And yet, that costume was all right.

No, the other way, will look best, because the velvet is thickest, the skirt of pink and the waist of blue." "Well, I will have to make my doll's frock of all the same, with velvet trimming. Will that look well?" "Lovely! What are you going to do with your piece, Bubbles?" "Make a overskirt for Floridy Alabamy," said Bubbles, importantly.

They wore the new long basque and overskirt made of cloth or cashmere, combined with satin, velvet or brocade, and with the exception of Mrs. Abbott they had removed their hats. Chignons had disappeared. Hair was elaborately dressed at the back or arranged in high puffs with two long curls suspended. Marguerite Abbott and Annette wore the new plaids. Mrs.

If it hadn't been that whin I was a boy I won th' hundred yards at th' University iv Slambang in two hours an' forty minyits, an' if it hadn't happened that I was lightly dhressed in a summer overskirt an' a thin blouse, an' if th' German hadn't stopped to steal me garters, I wudden't be here at this moment, says he. 'Was that war or wasn't it? he says.