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It is true that there is a mention of a bodice for Eve, but probably the donnee of the play was after the Fall. Indeed, anybody who cares to examine the age of Shakespeare will see that archaeology was one of its special characteristics.

'Now, mother, said Jehane to the old duenna, 'do for me what I bid you, and quickly. Get me brown juice for my skin, and a ragged kirtle and bodice, such as the Egyptians wear. Give me money to line it, and then let me go. All this was done. Jehane put on vile raiment which barely covered her, stained her fair face, neck, and arms brown, and let her hair droop all about her.

"Ah, but I will, my new bodice is so beautiful; all bright flowers, and my skirt is blue I know the Captain will like it and we are going to the South where all the girls wear bright colors I expect my dress will look very somber." Nana did not reply, she grumbled a little to herself, and Lucia pulled out the drawer of the dresser and very carefully took out her new possessions.

Not a wrinkle of her ill-fitting bodice escaped me, not a movement of her ungainly form passed unnoticed, I was dissecting her to a pitiful disadvantage, following up each new discovery with a moral of my own when a half-subdued voice whispered in my ear: "Spare her, Miss Hampden." I looked up significantly and met Dr. Campbell's mock-reproachful glance, resting full upon me. "Spare whom?"

We were dressed by nine o'clock, Alice in black velvet, with a wreath of flowers in her black hair I in alight blue velvet bodice, and white silk skirt. We were waiting for the ball hack to come for us, as hat was the custom, for no one owned a close coach in Rosville, when Charles brought in some splendid scarlet flowers which he gave to Alice. "Where are Cassandra's?"

Her little proud head was clustered with glossy locks of jet, still short, but curling round her brow and neck, whose warm brunette tints contrasted well with the delicate, stiffened cobweb of her exquisite standing ruff, which was gathered into a white satin bodice, with a skirt of the same material, over which swept a rich black brocade train open in front, with an open body and half-sleeves with falling lace, and the hands, delicate and shapely as ever, if indeed a little tanned, held fan and handkerchief with as much courtly grace as though they had never stirred broth nor wrung out linen.

She lifted a hand to the bosom of her bodice, and slipped over her third finger the ring she had worn over-night. "Why should I not be expecting him?" she murmured. For the moment I was slow in understanding. But I suppose that at length she saw that in my eyes which satisfied her: for she drew down my head to her lap, and sat laughing and weeping softly.

So one sees reappearing again and again upon the scene the bodice embroidered in gold, the velvet sash, the skirt of striped silk, the gold chain for the neck, and the crown the famous Scandinavian crown carefully preserved in the most secure of all the chests, and made of pasteboard covered with embossed gilt paper, and studded with stars, or garlanded with leaves that takes the place of the wreath of orange-blossoms worn by brides in other European countries.

Madam Hester would have winced at that, I warrant me. But she,—the naughty baggage,—little will she care what they put upon the bodice of her gown! Why, look you, she may cover it with a brooch, or such like heathenish adornment, and so walk the streets as brave as ever!”

"Very well, now come help me to dress." Janet hastened to obey, and in half an hour Rosa Blondelle issued from her chamber, looking if possible even more beautiful than she had looked on the previous evening; for she wore an elegant morning robe of white cashmere, embroidered down the front and around the bodice, sleeves, and skirt with a border of blue bells, and she had her splendid hair dressed in the simple natural ringlets that were the most becoming to her.