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Florence hesitated, but there was something so sincere and friendly in the young man's manner dude though he was that she consented to grant his request. "I am to teach the daughter of Mr. Robert Leighton." "Why, Miss Leighton is my cousin," said Percy, in joyous excitement. "Indeed! Had I known that I would hardly have told you." "Don't be afwaid! I will be vewy discreet," said Mr. de Brabazon.

'Only the Jew thinks he's going to show his courage. But he's the biggest coward of them all, really, because he's afwaid what people will think about him and Julius doesn't care about that. 'They've a lot of valour between them, said Gerald good-humouredly. The Pussum looked at him with a slow, slow smile. She was very handsome, flushed, and confident in dreadful knowledge.

I'm not afwaid of BLOOD. 'Not afwaid of blood! exclaimed a young man with a thick, pale, jeering face, who had just come to the table and was drinking whisky. The Pussum turned on him a sulky look of dislike, low and ugly. 'Aren't you really afraid of blud? the other persisted, a sneer all over his face. 'No, I'm not, she retorted.

"I'm a fief," he whispered. "A fief like ve men in the pwison. But I'll tell now, I tookt ... I tookt ve 'parkle cwown when the man that came left it in ve hall. I bwoke ve paper and ve little bwown box, and it looked shiny, and I tookt it to play wif, and I was afwaid. It's in ve dooly-box at ve bottom. No one never asked for it, but I was afwaid. Oh, go an' get ve dooly-box!"

I am afwaid it is my duty to make you the judge whether you choose to sail about with that little cub Rosa, I can beat about the bush no longer. Is it a fit thing that a man of genius, at whose feet we ought all to be sitting with reverence, should drive a cab in the public streets?

"Only the beginning of it," I whispered back. "There's two stars left over from the night see! that big blue one in the east, and the little white one just above the cobbler's chimney." "Will they be afwaid of the Dawn, when it comes?" "Rather. I shouldn't be surprised if the big fellow bolted right across the sky, and the little one will p'raps fall down the cobbler's chimney into his work-room."

"Can I go wound and sit on dat log by a bwook?" "Yes." "Oh, I's afwaid. I's dweffully afwaid." "Why, you can turn round and talk to me all the time." "But nobody'll be sitting by me at all." "I am here just where you can see me; besides, God will be right next to you." "Will He? Ven all yight." Ruth took off her hat and prepared to enjoy herself.

"What a funny ow, ow, it'h Papa! it'h Papa! and he told me it wath Dicky. I'm afwaid! Whereth Dicky gone to? I want Bab, take me to Bab!" For the Stone had done its work once more, and this time with happier results; with a supreme relief and joy, which no one who has read this book can fail to understand, Mr. Bultitude felt that he actually was his old self again.

Let them twy me, I'm not afwaid of anyone. I've served the Tsar and my countwy honowably and have not stolen! And am I to be degwaded?... Listen, I'm w'iting to them stwaight. This is what I say: 'If I had wobbed the Tweasuwy..." "It's certainly well written," said Tushin, "but that's not the point, Vasili Dmitrich," and he also turned to Rostov.

And now she spies cousin Henry and Carrie coming from the avenue in the road, and springs to meet little Harry, who takes her hand and marches off with her, saying, he "isn't afwaid of tows," and brandishing a wisp of a stick as if there were a mighty power in it.