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The Tsar was deliberately ranging himself with the bureaucratic party instead of the party of his people; and the hot indignation which followed found expression in bitter and powerful arraignment of the Government, even to the extent of demanding the resignation of the Ministry. What was at first a rift, was becoming an impassable chasm.

Then they had gone downstairs to tell Alexander that he was Emperor of all the Russian lands. The memory of this terrible night stayed with the Tsar who was a very sensitive person. He had been educated in the school of the great French philosophers who did not believe in God but in Human Reason. But Reason alone could not satisfy the Emperor in his predicament.

All the princes and boyars, with their wives, brought to him costly presents; and the Tsar received them and said: "Long years of happiness to my lord Prince Yaroslav Lasarevich, my beloved son-in-law, and his wife, my daughter, the fair Princess Anastasia!"

Then remind him of me, and he will grow sad, but tell him you can get the sword which lies under my head. He will not believe you, but pledge your word, and as soon as you can, come to me, I will lift my head and give you the sword." Then Yaroslav made his bow, mounted his steed and rode to Shtchetin; and, as he approached the city, the Tsar perceived and accosted him.

At once we went to Tsarskoe-Selo with all haste, and Rasputin had a long conference in private with the Empress and Anna, the outcome of which was that Alexandra Feodorovna dispatched an urgent message in cipher to the Tsar, who was still absent at South-West Headquarters. We remained at the palace all that day.

Then Yaroslav rode on his way to the kingdom of India, and on arriving at the city he went straight to the Tsar Dalmat; and, entering the palace, he made his obeisance and said: "Long years of happiness to thee, O Tsar, to thy family, and all thy princes and boyars! Take me into thy service!" Then said Dalmat: "Man, whence comest thou, and what is thy name, and whose son art thou?"

The man announced that the Tsar had been driven in a carriage at full speed about an hour before along that very road and that he was dangerously wounded. "It can't be!" said Rostov. "It must have been someone else." "I saw him myself," replied the man with a self-confident smile of derision. "I ought to know the Emperor by now, after the times I've seen him in Petersburg.

The Tsar finally consented to recognize all the sweeping territorial changes that Napoleon had made, and secretly agreed to enforce the blockade against England should that country refuse to make peace. Napoleon's most persevering enemy still remained unconquered and inaccessible.

"You seem to forget, my friend, that we are at war with the Tsar, and all's fair in in love and war. Besides, if you have any scruples about keeping the fee for your professional services which, after all, you will render as honestly as though it were the merest matter of business you can put it into the treasury, and so ease your conscience.

Let Moscow be for the Muscovites and Poland for the Poles! But what is to be done? The Tsar will not permit it!” The Judge replied to him:— “Captain, that you are an honest man all in this district know, where you have been quartered for many years. Good friend, be not angry at this gift; we did not wish to offend you.