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Let them twy me, I'm not afwaid of anyone. I've served the Tsar and my countwy honowably and have not stolen! And am I to be degwaded?... Listen, I'm w'iting to them stwaight. This is what I say: 'If I had wobbed the Tweasuwy..." "It's certainly well written," said Tushin, "but that's not the point, Vasili Dmitrich," and he also turned to Rostov.

What right had he to criticise her? He spoke just as if she belonged to him, I assure you! This was too much, after what I had already gone through. "Which way are you going?" I asked him suddenly. "Gaw-ing?" he said, in a surprised tone. "Why, stwaight on, of cawse stwaight on!" "Then, I'm going round here!"

"Very well. Now, I'll say my pwayers and go stwaight off to s'eep. P'ease, God, b'ess Di, make her good girl. Amen. Good-night, Iris." The next moment the little girl had gone away into the world of happy slumber and innocent dreams.

"It's a howwid failure! The woom looks so stiff and stwaight like a pink box with nothing in it! Mother won't like it a bit. What can we do to make it better?" Peggy scowled, pursed up her lips, pressed her hand to her forehead, and strode up and down the room, rolling her eyes from side to side, and going through all the grimaces of one in search of inspiration.

I'm goin' stwaight now 'pon me honor. This chap, Marigny " "You fool! I offer you liberty and money, yet you try brazenly to get me to fall in with your wretched designs against Miss Vanrenen! Which is it to be a police cell or the railway station?" Medenham moved as if to summon the hall-porter. In a very frenzy of fear Devar caught his arm. "For Gawd's sake " he whispered. "You go, then?"

We'll be in the wood soon, and we'll have got the bow and arrows, and then we'll have to pwactice shooting. Oh, I say, there's a turnstile and a path, and I believe the path leads stwaight to the wood. Let's leave the woad and go to the wood that way." "All right," replied Orion. He always did say "all right" to every single thing Diana asked him to do.

Another roar of laughter followed this act, amid which the exquisite made his exit with his pocket hankerchief spread over his lap, swearing he would "go stwaight and sue for dwamages," that he was "scalded to death by the dem beggar, and he would have revenge for his ruined trousers, be gar!"

He showed her how to place the arrow, and she made one or two valiant attempts to send it flying through the wood. "It is hard," she panted; "the arrow don't seem even to make the least little pwick. Now, I want to shoot stwaight at that oak twee, or would you mind awfu', Apollo, if I was to shoot at you?" "All right," replied Apollo; "you may aim at my hand, if you like."

Take this and this! and I hit him so pat, stwaight on his snout... 'Ah, what a... what a...! and I sta'ted fwashing him... Well, I've had a bit of fun I can tell you!" cried Denisov, gleeful and yet angry, his white teeth showing under his black mustache. "I'd have killed him if they hadn't taken him away!" "But what are you shouting for? Calm yourself," said Rostov.

But I can't leave Uncle William, and I can't leave Iris, and I can't leave Apollo. We would like some supper 'cos we is hung'y, and it's past our tea hour; but then we must go stwaight home." "All right, my little love; everything can be managed to your satisfaction. My son has got a pony and cart, and he'll drive you over to the Rectory in a twinkling, after your appetites are satisfied.