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Then, taking the knife by the blade between finger and thumb, he tapped the bark gently with the tortoise-shell handle. And as he tapped, his face went back to boyhood again, in spite of the side-whiskers, and his mouth was pursed up to a silent tune. For ten minutes the tapping continued; the birds ceased their contention, and broke out restlessly at intervals.

She asked Richard to name those among his friends whom he desired as guests at the wedding. Richard gave her Mr. Bayard, Mr. Sands, and Inspector Val. Mrs. Hanway-Harley pursed her lips. Mr. Bayard? yes; but why ask Mr. Sands, printer, and Inspector Val of the police? "They are my friends," said Richard. Mrs.

He reached the table, and was about to lay a desirous hand upon the jug, when it occurred to him that, in doing this, he would expose the candle ray. Better blow the candle out! He located the jug, and was on the edge of action his lips were pursed for the puff when the dead silence of the room struck him.

"Well," said I, "you must give me twenty-four hours to determine in. I am drawn two ways. I do not know what to do." "I can assure you," said the page eagerly, "that His Majesty would give you almost anything you asked for if you did this, and were successful." I pursed my lips up. "Perhaps he would," I said. "But I do not know that I want very much." "Then he would give you all the more."

Old '61 marched on, up the dusty road, and the girl went back to her tree. She had not sold any daisy-handkerchiefs, but she had her story to tell the girls. She lay in the grass thinking of it. Once or twice she pursed her lips and made a ludicrous ineffectual attempt to whistle, but she did not smile. Jane Cotton's Sam clicked the gate, going out, but she did not notice.

That's why Miguel wanted it given out that his horse had policed him. Wanted to save you the resultant embarrassment." "The poor dear! And this wretch from La Questa shot him?" "Almost." "What became of the assassin?" Bill Conway pursed his tobacco-stained lips and whistled a few bars of "Listen to the Mocking Bird." Subconsciously the words of the song came to Kay's mind.

For her language, flowery and grandiloquent, was excruciatingly genteel, one moment conveyed by minced words through a pursed mouth, and the next carried away on a turgid tide of rhetoric the swimmer in this sea of sentiment flinging out braceleted arms, and bawling appeals to the 'Wim men nof Vinglund! The crowd howled with derisive joy.

The eyeglass was raised to the Baron's thin nose, his small eyes glittered, his lips were pursed up, and he replied, in words as exact as if he had studied all the details of the catalogue verbatim. Their thanks were soon followed by many other questions, in which two voices alone did not join, that of Alba Steno and that of Dorsenne.

To lose their way now would be worse, infinitely, than to lose oneself in one of the sandy deserts of Africa. Death was in that biting wind and in the blinding snow. Once lost, and, in two or three hours, all would be over. "Yes," came the monosyllabic reply. "Lord" Bill's lips were pursed tightly. Every now and then he dashed the snow and breath icicles from his eyelashes.

Max pursed his lips thoughtfully. "N-no; you and Lilas are broke. I've got the money and the police. I'll take half." Jim's acquiescence to these terms came hard, and he cursed himself as a fool for putting himself at the mercy of this man.