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Has you got a looking-glass in your pocket, Aunt Sawah?" "Yes, dear; a small one." Aunt Sarah whipped her hand into a deep pocket and took out a glass. Diana surveyed herself critically in its depths. "I like my dwess," she said, "but I don't like this howid bwown stuff on my face." "Never mind, dear; bear it for the present.

William walked on as if he had not heard her. It was Aunt Jane who insisted on the little entertainment after tea. "I love to hear the dear children recite," she said. "I'm sure they all have some little recitation they can say." Barbara arose with shy delight to say her piece. "Lickle bwown seed, lickle bwown bwother, And what, pway, are you goin' to be?

"I don't want that horrid stuff on my face," he said. "But you must have it, master; if you don't, Uncle Ben will use you dreadful," said the woman. "Now, missy, tell your little brother to be guided by me. If he don't do what I tell 'im he'll suffer, and I won't be able to help either of you." "Don't be silly, Orion," said Diana. "What do a little bwown stuff matter?

He held up for all to see a small square of pasteboard on which appeared: GRA TE SHOW BY BUNNY BWOWN aND HiS SisTEER S*UE CoMe 1 comE All and sEE "DO$N onTHE farn!! ADMISHION $25 For a few seconds Bunny, Sue, Mart and Lucile looked over the shoulders of one another at the ticket which Charlie Star had brought to show them. "I didn't know we were going to have real tickets!" exclaimed Bunny.

"I'm a fief," he whispered. "A fief like ve men in the pwison. But I'll tell now, I tookt ... I tookt ve 'parkle cwown when the man that came left it in ve hall. I bwoke ve paper and ve little bwown box, and it looked shiny, and I tookt it to play wif, and I was afwaid. It's in ve dooly-box at ve bottom. No one never asked for it, but I was afwaid. Oh, go an' get ve dooly-box!"

I'll be a poppy as white as my mother, Oh, DO be a poppy like me! What, you'll be a sunflower? Oh, how I shall miss you When you are golden and high! But I'll send all the bees up to tiss you. Lickle bwown bwother, good-bye!" She sat down blushing, amid rapturous applause. Next Jimmy was dragged from his corner. He stood up as one prepared for the worst, shut his eyes, and