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Shenton held out his hand. "How d' ye." "How do do," replied Lewis, gravely. Natalie was plucking at his arm. He turned to her. They were almost of a size, but to Natalie he towered an inch above her. She held up her lips, and he kissed them. Then they stood and stared at each other. Natalie's short forefinger found its way to her mouth. "My dwess is wumpled," she said.

He don't put on airs and talk nonsense; and, oh! he does 'dance like an angel, as Trix says." "Papa, I wish you 'd come and waltz with me. Fan told me not to go near her, 'cause my wed dwess makes her pink one look ugly; and Tom won't; and I want to dwedfully." "I 've forgotten how, Maudie. Ask Polly; she 'll spin you round like a teetotum." "Mr.

True, the boys admired the most thickly flowered gown immensely for a few minutes, Richard bringing me a posy to match for my hair, while Ian walked about me in silence which he broke suddenly with the trenchant remark "Barbara, I think your dwess would be prettier if it was weeded some!" All of which is of course perfectly true.

She looked about on the ceiling. Her foot noiselessly patted the floor. "Yes," said Narcisse, "and thass the cause that they dwess them dif'ent. To show the dif'ence, you know." "Ah! no. It's not the mortial frame, sur; it's the sperit. The sperit of man is not the sperit of woman. The sperit of woman is not the sperit of man. Each one needs the other, sur.

"I isn't s'eepy any longer," said Diana, sitting bolt upright in the cart. "Oh, what a funny dwess I has on. Where is my nice b'ack dwess, and my pinafore, and my shoes and socks?" "Well, dear," said Mother Rodesia, "you were so dead asleep, and the pony got that lame we couldn't stir hand nor foot, so I thought it best to put a little nightdress on you."

"How gay we are," he said, and pinched her cheek. Teddy in white linen and patent leathers also approved. "You've got on your spangly dwess, and it makes you pwetty " "Oh, Ted, is it just my clothes that make me pretty?" "I didn't mean that. Only tonight you're so nice and shining." She shone, indeed, with such effulgence, that it was a wonder that the General did not suspect.

Has you got a looking-glass in your pocket, Aunt Sawah?" "Yes, dear; a small one." Aunt Sarah whipped her hand into a deep pocket and took out a glass. Diana surveyed herself critically in its depths. "I like my dwess," she said, "but I don't like this howid bwown stuff on my face." "Never mind, dear; bear it for the present.

Against the copper green of the tree trunk the mass of her hair was pressed, gold upon the shadow of gold. Her moist lips were half open. Her eyes were away, playing with memory. "Bet you can't tell me the first thing you ever said to me," said Lewis. "My dwess is wumpled," said Natalie, promptly, a single dimple coming and going with her sudden smile. Then she looked down and blushed.

She wore now, most of the time, her nun's frock of gray, which had seemed to foreshadow something of her future on that glorified day when Derry had first come to her. She had laid away many of her lovely things, and one morning Teddy remarked on the change. "You don't dwess up any more." Nurse stood back of his chair. "Dress " "Dur-wess." "Don't you like this dress, Teddy?"

"Polly 's so pretty, it don't matter what she wears," observed Tom, surveying her over his collar with an air of calm approval. "She has n't got any bwetelles to her dwess, and I have," said Maud, settling her ruffled bands over her shoulders, which looked like cherry-colored wings on a stout little cherub.