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Yes; you're only fit to be put to bed." She spoke with mild authority, and Karen, under her hands, relapsed to childhood. "This all the baggage you've brought?" Mrs. Talcott inquired, finding a nightdress in Karen's dressing-case. She expressed no surprise when Karen said that it was all, passed the nightdress over her head and, when she had lain down, tucked the bed-clothes round her.

Once in an agony of loneliness, and cruelly hurt by a conspicuous slight put upon her at the Portage by the wife of the Reeve of the town, who had daughters twain of pure white blood got from behind the bar of a saloon in Winnipeg, she had thrown open her window at night, with the frost below zero, and stood in her thin nightdress, craving the death which she hoped the cold would give her soon.

The woman in the nightdress had edged nearer, craning her neck over the shoulders of the men to see better. As another match was struck she saw the man's face. "My Gawd, it's my 'usband!" she screamed. "Bill, Bill, wot 'ave they done ter yer?" Her old affection, starved to death by years of neglect, sprang to life for an instant in this cry of agony.

"You get in bed first, baby, and let mama turn out the lights." "No, no, mama; you." In her white slip of a nightdress, her coronet braids unwound and falling down each shoulder, even her slightness had waned. She was like Juliet who at fourteen had eyes of maid and martyr. They crept into bed, grateful for darkness. The flute had died out, leaving a silence that was plaintive.

Sweeny shook his wife into consciousness. He bade her get up and see who was in the back-yard. Mrs. Sweeny, a lean harassed woman with grey hair, fastened a dingy pink nightdress round her throat with a pin and obeyed her master. "It's Peter Walsh," she said, after peering out of the window. "Tell him to go to hell out of that," said Sweeny. Mrs.

Trapes." "Why, now, that's queer!" "How queer?" "Because I've jest been into her bedroom, an' there's her things except that nightdress but she ain't!" "Not there? She must be! Did you look in her bed?" "Lord, Mr. Geoffrey her bed ain't been tetched!" "Then where in the world is she?" "Well," said Mrs.

Age and experience were suddenly wiped out of her face, not by any act of mental illumination, but merely by the ruffles of her white nightdress and the simple childish fashion in which they had combed her hair.

Soon she had a letter from Vannicock, and six weeks after her husband's death her lover came to see her. 'I forgot to give you back this that night, he said presently, handing her the little bag she had taken as her whole luggage when leaving. Laura received it and absently shook it out. There fell upon the carpet her brush, comb, slippers, nightdress, and other simple necessaries for a journey.

You may even find, if she is a just-over foreigner, that you will have to introduce her to the nightdress such things have happened explaining to her the undesirability of sleeping in underclothing which she has worn all day.

What mattered it to the ditcher and yeoman, far from the court, that the queen was said to dance in her nightdress and to swear like a trooper? It was, indeed, largely from these rustic sources that such stories were scattered throughout England. Peasants thought them picturesque.