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"Sir," said Joe, "me an' the Spider searched that wood, an' we found a coat " "Shut up, Joe," snarled the Old Un, "you're tellin' it all wrong. Guv, Joe an' the Spider went a-seekin' an' a-searchin' that wood, an' they found a cloo " "Oh?" said Ravenslee. "A cloo as is a-goin' t' 'ang somebody yet a cloo, Guv, as ain't t' be ekalled for blood-guilt an' mystery.

These yere 'leven outfits I speaks of is scattered east an' west mebby she's a-hundred miles along the no'th fringe of my range, a-combin' an' a-searchin' of the bunches an' cuttin' out all specimens of my brand when found. For myse'f, personal, I'm cavortin' about on the loose like, stoppin' some nights at one camp' an' some nights at another, keepin' cases on the deal.

Yesterday, I vas a market gerdener, vith a basket o' fine wegetables as nobody 'ad ordered, the day afore, a sailor-man out o' furrin parts, as vos a-seeking and a-searchin' for a gray-'eaded feyther as didn't exist, to-day I'm a riverside cove as 'ad found a letter a letter as I'd stole " "Stolen!" repeated Barnabas.

"Well, ma'am, Joe an' the Spider's been a-seekin' an' a-searchin' of that there wood, an' they found," here the Old Un leaned nearer yet and whispered harshly, "they found a coat button! Lorgorramighty!" he exclaimed suddenly, pointing a trembling bony finger, "what's took th' lad look!"

All yesterday, as I do know, you slept and never stirred nor took so much as bite or sup and I know because while we was a' turning out the hold a-seekin' and a-searchin' I come and took a look at ye every now and then, and here's you a-lyin' like a dead man but for your snoring." "Here's strange thing, and mighty strange! For until I came aboard I was ever a wondrous light sleeper, Godby."

"John put it up," said the mother, by way of explanation, as the professor eyed it approvingly. "There ain't nothing to eat on it. If there was, it wouldn't be there a minute. The childer be always a-searchin' in it." "But there must be, or else it isn't a real Christmas tree," said the professor, and brought out the little dollar.

Lord sir! many's the time as I've watched that theer blessed b'y a-seekin', an' a-searchin', a pokin' an' a pryin' round the place a-lookin' for 'is fortun', but, Lord bless my eyes an' limbs, sir! I never thought as he'd find nothin'." "Why, of course not, Adam." "Ah! but that's jest where I were mistook, Mr. Belloo, sir, because 'e did." "Did what, Adam?"

"When such a loud providence is a-knockin' at your door, I think you'd better be a-searchin' your own heart, here it is the eleventh hour, and you hain't come into the Lord's vineyard yet." "Oh! come, come, Mis' Kittridge, don't twit a feller afore folks," said the Captain. "I'm goin' over to Harpswell Neck this blessed minute after the minister to 'tend the funeral, so we'll let him preach."