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The broad hallway ran from the front of the house to the kitchen ell, and I could see its entire length. Several men were clustered at the other end, peering out through the narrow panes of glass either side the front door, and one came running toward me. It was the Irish sergeant. "They're a-coomin', sorr a bunch o' gray-backs. Shud Oi hay' the byes let drive?"

Kit laid a hand on the old man's forehead, and stroked his hair. "I'm a-coomin," came a tiny chuckle as of a sleepy child "Billy's coomin." Seaward something flapped. The boy turned. At first he thought the Angel of Death was hovering over the white waters on sable wings. Then he recognised what he saw for the flag on the splintered mizzen of the Tremendous saluting solemnly the dying seaman.

"Yes, oi was afraid that soom sich thawt might be in your moind, Maister Ned, but it can't be done that way. But oi doan't know," he said thoughtfully, "perhaps it moight, arter all. Perhaps the chap as was a-coomin' forward moight take it into his head to go to Ameriky. Oi shouldn't wonder if he did, In fact, now oi thinks on't, oi am pretty sure as he will. Yes.

Oi wor a-coomin' oop the forepake afther dark, jist ez it mebbe now. Ye knows the forepake, Joblins?" "Ye-e-es," stuttered out `greeny, his jaw dropping with fright, and his mouth open as big as a teacup. "I I I knows the forepeak, mate."

"To my moind, a sight o' more snaw is a-coomin'; and what mah sard or goon foight again it? Captain Moordocks, coom ye home arly. T' hare sha' be doon to a toorn be fi' o'clock. Coom ye home be that o'clock, if ye care for deener." "I must have made a tender impression on her heart," Mr. Mordacks said to himself, as he kissed his hand to the capacious hostess.