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"No, no," answered McTeague, shaking his head. "I'm going back home. I've had two glasses of whiskey already." "Sha!" cried Heise, catching his arm. "A strapping big chap like you ain't afraid of a little whiskey." "Well, I I I got to go right afterwards," protested McTeague. About half an hour after the dentist had left to go down town, Maria Macapa had come in to see Trina.

He is depicted wearing a necklace of skulls, the heads of the nine Chinese deputies sent in former centuries to find the Buddhist canon, but whom Sha Ho-shang had devoured on the banks of Liu-sha River when they had attempted to cross it. He is also known by the name of Sha Wu-ching, and was originally Grand Superintendent of the Manufactory of Stores for Huang's palace.

"Quick with you." "Sha " began Miss Rumbolt again. Then she caught his eye, and went in like a lamb. "You come too," she said prettily. "I've got to look after my ship and my men," said the skipper. "I suppose you thought the ship would steer itself, didn't you?" "Mutineers deserve to be eaten," whimpered Miss Rumbolt piously, somewhat taken aback by the skipper's demeanour.

We anchored about four miles above the entrance, which was on the coast abreast of the Shoshones' territory, and resorted to by them on their annual fishing excursions. In memory of the event, the river was named by the Indians "Nu eleje sha wako;" or, the Guide of the Strangers. For many weeks it was a strange and busy scene.

"My love," said my mother, the night before this Hegira, looking up from her work, "my love, there is one thing you have quite forgot to settle, I beg pardon for disturbing you, but it is important! baby's name: sha' n't we call him Augustine?" "Augustine," said my father, dreamily, "why that name's mine." "And you would like your boy's to be the same?" "No," said my father, rousing himself.

Hangta u la wallam sha la ieng, u ri u sumar bha ia ka, bad hadien-hadien u la shongkurim ia ka. Te la khot kyrteng ia kata ka bríew ka Pah-syntiew, namar ba uta u briew u ioh kem ia ka da kaba khroh ba pah da u syntiew. Uta u bríew u long uba na Nongjri Bhoi, bad ki jiw khot u Kongor Nongjri ia u.

When the Monkey found that he was being crushed under the mountain he was greatly distressed about his Master, and cried out: "Oh, Master, you delivered me from under the mountain before, and trained me in religion; how is it that you have brought me to this pass? If you must die, why should Sha Ho-shang and Pa-chieh and the Dragon-horse also suffer?" Then his tears poured down like rain.

Squills," exclaimed my mother, and the bed-curtains trembled, "pray see that Mr. Caxton does not set himself on fire. And, Mr. Squills, tell him not to be vexed and miss me, I shall be down very soon, sha' n't I?" "If you keep yourself easy, you will, ma'am." "Pray, say so. And, Primmins " "Yes, ma'am." "Every one, I fear, is neglecting your master.

When he had done so, he recognized the porter at Boyne's Bank, whose enemy retired upon the threat that there should be no more pushing past him to get back to seats for the next act. "I paid," said Anthony; "and you're a ticketer, and you ticketers sha' n't stop me. I'm worth a thousand of you. Holloa, sir," he cried to Algernon; "I didn't know you. I'm much obliged.

When he had done so, he recognized the porter at Boyne's Bank, whose enemy retired upon the threat that there should be no more pushing past him to get back to seats for the next act. "I paid," said Anthony; "and you're a ticketer, and you ticketers sha' n't stop me. I'm worth a thousand of you. Holloa, sir," he cried to Algernon; "I didn't know you. I'm much obliged.