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New York. Charles Scribner. 12mo. pp. 422. $1.25. Poems. By George P. Morris. With a Memoir of the Author. New York. Charles Scribner. 32mo. Blue and gold. pp. 356. 75 cts. The Mother-in-Law. A Tale of Domestic Life. By Mrs. Emma D.E.N. Southworth. Philadelphia. T.B. Peterson & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 497. $1.25. The History of Herodotus.

William Everdell & Sons. 8vo. paper. pp. 32. 15 cts. By Theodore Martin. Boston. Ticknor & Fields. 32mo. pp. 358. 75 cts. The Glaciers of the Alps; being a Narrative of Excursions and Ascents, an Account of the Origin and Phenomena of Glaciers, and an Exposition of the Physical Principles to which they are related. By John Tyndall, F.R.S. Illustrated. Boston.

Sirrah Folio, come and turn my page! But this Lord Folio haughtily refused to do, and, consequently, being too stout to turn his own pages, the little 32mo could say no more. His proposal, though it tickled a few, found no great favour. It was generally agreed that humour had no place in the discussion of a serious question.

'To the guillotine with them! cried the bilious little octavo, and then I saw that my tobacco-cutter had been extemporised into the deadly engine. But, hereupon, a voice of humour found hearing, that of a stout 32mo, evidently a philosopher. 'Why shed blood? he said, 'I have a better plan. Stature is no mark of superiority, but usually the reverse. The mind's the standard of the man.

Paganel pricked up his ears at this, and said, "Indeed, geography!" "Yes, sir," said Toline; "and I had the first prize for geography before the Christmas holidays." "You had the first prize for geography, my boy?" "Yes, sir. Here it is," returned Toline, pulling a book out of his pocket. It was a bible, 32mo size, and well bound. On the first page was written the words: "Normal School, Melbourne.

The Chess-Player's Instructor, or Guide to Beginners. By Charles Henry Stanley. New York. Robert M. DeWitt. 32mo. pp. 72. 38 cts. Matrimonial Brokerage in the Metropolis. Being the Narrative of Strange Adventures in New York and Startling Facts in City Life. By a Reporter of the Press. New York. Thatcher & Hutchinson. 12mo. pp. 355. $1.00. Adam Bede.

And other Tales, by the Countess of Blessington, &c, with beautiful illustrations, in an entirely new and gorgeous binding in colours and gold, gilt edges, 4s. 6d. Homer's Iliad, Translated by Pope. A new edition, printed in a superior manner, on superfine paper, with illustrations. Royal 32mo., cloth, full gilt back, sides, and edges, 3s. 6d. Homer's Odyssey, Translated by Pope.

WATTS on the Improvement of the Mind, with a portrait, 2s. 6d. The above Works are also kept bound, at the above prices, in black cloth, red edges, antique style. Religion at Home, Being an Explanation of Important Scripture Subjects, with illustrations. Royal 32mo., beautifully bound in colours and gold, new edition, 1s. School Prizes, &c. Longfellow's Poetical Works,

SECOND STYLE. Caroline, annoyed by the reputation of Madame Schinner, who is credited with the possession of epistolary talents, and styled the "Sevigne of the note", tired of hearing about Madame de Fischtaminel, who has ventured to write a little 32mo book on the education of the young, in which she has boldly reprinted Fenelon, without the style: Caroline has been working for six months upon a tale tenfold poorer than those of Berquin, nauseatingly moral, and flamboyant in style.

The Life of North American Insects. New York. Harper & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 319. $1.25. Life of Frederick the Great. By Macaulay. New York. Delisser & Proctor. 32mo. pp. 277. 50 cts. Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic. By Sir William Hamilton, Bart. Edited by the Rev. Henry Longueville Mansel, B.D., Oxford, and John Veitch, M.A., Edinburgh. 2 vols. Vol. I. Metaphysics. Boston.