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Croker says that 'the real state of the case was that he had gone mad, and was in that state sent home. He died before the sentence of the court-martial was promulgated. Croker's Boswell, p. 497.

In spite of the cruelties of the time, the real life of England went on and was scarcely even checked in its advance to better things. See Roessler, Kaiserin Mathilde, 287 ff. William of Malmesbury, sec. 497. See the Athenaeum, February 6, 1904, p. 177. But see Lot, Fideles ou Vassaux , 205-212.

Coll y Toste's Reseña, published in 1899, there were, among a total population of 894,302 souls, only 497 primary schools in the island at the time of the American occupation. The total attendance was 22,265 pupils, 15,108 boys and 7,157 girls. Rufo Fernandez from Fray Angel de la Concepcion Vazquez. From their point of view, they were right.

For some years Constantinople refused all acknowledgment to Theodoric, till in 497 peace was made and Theodoric obtained recognition, much it may be thought as Odoacer had done, from Constantinople; but the ornaments of the palace at Ravenna, which Odoacer had sent to New Rome, were brought back, and therefore it would seem that the royalty of Theodoric was acknowledged by the empire; but we have no authority to see in this more than an acknowledgment of the king of the Goths, the vicegerent perhaps of the emperor in Italy.

Harper & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 497. $1.00. Travels, Researches, and Missionary Labors, during an Eighteen Years' Residence in Eastern Africa; together with Journeys to Jagga, Usambara, Ukambani, Shoa, Abessinia, and Khartum; and a Coasting Voyage from Mombaz to Cape Delgado. By the Rev. Dr.

This terrible court, when assembled, having first declared that they found no distempers in the army, but many grievances under which it labored, immediately voted the offers of the parliament unsatisfactory. * Rush. vol. vii p. 485. Clarendon, vol. v. p. 43. Rusk. vol. vii p. 497, 505. Whitlocke, p. 250. * Rush. vol. vii. p. 487.

The high prices of 1921 were, considering the financial inflation, not really high. At the time of writing the price is $497. These prices are actually lower than they appear to be, because improvements in quality are being steadily made. We study every car in order to discover if it has features that might be developed and adapted.

"If she don't get through, she'll sure get back again, and that's what most of 'em don't do," growled Neighbor, as he and Sankey showed the new ram to the engineers. They had taken the 566, George Sinclair's engine, for one head, and Burns's, the 497, for the other. Behind these were Kennedy, with the 314, and Cameron, with the 296.

Ibid. i. 373. Ibid. i. 374. Diversions of Purley, ii. 18. Cf. Mill's statement in Analysis, i. 304, that 'abstract terms are concrete terms with the connotation dropped. Ibid. ii. 9, etc. Ibid. ii. 399. Stephens, ii. 497. Life of Mackintosh, ii. 235-37. Begun for the Encyclopædia Metropolitana in 1818; and published in 1835-37. John Fearn published his Anti-Tooke in 1820.

For the inscription see Esperandieu, Acad. des Inscriptions, Comptes rendus, 1904, p. 497; Cagnat, Année Épigr., 1905, 12; and especially Schulten, Hermes, 1906, 1; a convenient English account is given by H.S. Jones, Companion to Roman Hist., p. 22.