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Imputation of adulterous love, and imputation of conjugial love, 523-531. Imputation of adulteries after death, how effected, 485, 489, 493; these imputations take place after death, not according to circumstances, which are external of the deed, but according to internal circumstances of the mind, 530. Imputation of good, how it is effected, 524.

The passengers were all delighted with the new mode of travel, which was very comfortable. This last dirigible masterpiece of Zeppelin may be styled the leviathan of the air. It is 485 feet long with a total lifting power of 44,000 lbs. It has three motors which total 330 horse power and it drives at an average speed of about 33 miles an hour.

Many of these came to Constantinople, where the imperial court was witness of the miracle. The successor of this tyrant Hunnerich, king Guntamund, who reigned from 485 to 496, treated the Catholics more fairly, and, though the persecution did not entirely cease, allowed, in 494, the banished bishops to return.

The tribes residing in Nebraska, Kansas, and the Indian Territory are divided as follows: in Nebraska about 6,485; in Kansas, 1,500; in the Indian Territory, 62,465. The Indians in Nebraska are the Santee Sioux, Winnebagoes, Omahas, Pawnees, Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri, Iowas, and the Otoes and Missourias.

After death every one is judged according to the intentions of the will, and thence of the understanding; and according to the confirmations of the understanding, and thence of the will, 485. JUDGMENT. Difference between corporeal judgment, and judgment of the mind, 57. By corporeal judgment is meant the judgment of the mind according to the external senses, which judgment is gross and dull, 57.

Oeuv., lxvii. 458, 459, 485, etc. To D'Alembert, Sept. 15, 1762. Moultou to Rousseau, Streckeisen, i. 85, 87. Moultou to Rousseau, Streckeisen, i. 85, 87. Streckeisen, i. 50. Ib., i. 76. Lettre

It had been usual, after parliaments were prolonged beyond one session, for the chancellor to exert a discretionary authority of issuing new writs to supply the place of any members whom he judged incapable of attending, either on account of their employment, their sickness, or other impediment. * King James's Works, p. 484, 485, etc. Journ. 22d March, 1603. Kennet, p. 668.

If he was really the author of certain works ascribed to him, he must have been born about 500 B.C. This would make him as old, perhaps, as Myron. Another view would put his birth between 490 and 485, still another, as late as 480. The one undisputed date in his life is the year 438, when the gold and ivory statue of Athena in the Parthenon was completed.

Returning to Athens he was condemned and fined, shortly after dying of a mortified thigh. In the third portion Herodotus gradually rises to his greatest height of descriptive power. Darius resolved on a larger expedition to reduce Greece. He made preparations for three years, then a revolt in Egypt delayed his plans and his career was cut short by death in 485.

Her length over all is 485 feet; beam, 51 feet; depth, 36 feet; and gross tonnage, 5,920 tons. The hull, of steel, is divided into fifteen compartments by bulkheads, and has a cellular double bottom 4 feet in depth and 7 feet below the engine room. There are four complete decks.