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The work of Theodoric, a useful work as we shall see, was serving quite another purpose than that of establishing a new Gothic kingdom. As for him and his government, they were utterly to pass away and by reason of the religion they professed. The first blow at the endurance and security of the Ostrogothic hegemony was the conversion of Clovis to Catholicism in 496.

In fact there is not a more marked peculiarity in his genius than the union with its strength of a most uncommon gentleness, and in the personal ways of the man this was equally manifest." Vol. i. p. 496.

Trans., vol. xii. p. 496. This case is the more strange, because it is asserted that some of the same species in their winter- quarters in the United States are tame. There is much, as Dr. Richardson well remarks, utterly inexplicable connected with the different degrees of shyness and care with which birds conceal their nests.

In 496 the Allemannians, a Germanic confederation like the Franks, who also had been, for some time past, assailing the Roman empire on the banks of the Rhine or the frontiers of Switzerland, crossed the river, and invaded the settlements of the Franks on the left bank. Clovis went to the aid of his confederation and attacked the Allemannians at Tolbiac, near Cologne.

Johns were considered as of very little value and there could be no inducement to such a step." However, in view of the fact that when surveyed the grant was found to contain 5,496 acres, it must be admitted that the allowance for "bad lands" was tolerably liberal, and the grantees were fortunate to escape without the loss of at least half of their property. The line running from Mr.

The Continental Congress had made some efforts in their behalf which were contemptuously received. The Dey of Algiers did not wish any treaty with the United States; but he did want $59,496.00 for the twenty-one captives whom he then held. Farther than that negotiation had not progressed.

The most ancient sacramentary or liturgical work extant of the Roman church is that of Gelasius who was Pope from 492 to 496 . He collected prayers composed by more ancient authors, and also composed some himself: and this Gelasian compilation was reformed by Gregory the Great and reduced to one volume , which may be considered as the prototype of our present liturgy.

Senate Document 62, part 1, Fifty-fifth Congress, Third Session, P. P. 341 et seq. Senate Document 62, part 1, Fifty-fifth Congress, Third Session; also P.I.R., 496. Blount, pp. 11-12. Pratt.

Clovis, son of Childeric, King of the Ripuarian Franks, in 496 A. D. conquered the last Roman stronghold at Soissons, and, having married a Burgundian princess, Clotilda, was induced to accept Christianity. He was accordingly baptized here by St. Remi on Christmas Day, 496 A. D.

A second son, however, recovered from grievous sickness at his wife's prayers, and this, aided perhaps by a shrewd insight into the trend of events, induced him to lend a more willing ear to the teachers of the new Faith. In 496 the Franks were at death grapple with their German foes at Tolbiac.