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Though the poor were nursed by parochial law, yet workhouses did not become general 'till 1730: that of Birmingham was erected in 1733, at the expence of 1173l. 3s. 5d. and which, the stranger would rather suppose, was the residence of a gentleman, than that of four hundred paupers.

Evenings at Donaldson Manor, The Christmas Guest. By Miss M'Intosh, with steel illustrations. Beautifully printed in foolscap 8vo., cloth, full gilt back, edges, and sides, 3s. 6d. The SAME EDITION, cloth lettered, plain edges, 2a. 6d. Conquest and Self-Conquest. By Miss M'Intosh, with steel illustrations. Foolscap 8vo., beautifully bound in cloth, full gilt back, sides, and edges, 3s.

I had opened the box at the Infant-Orphan-House on Monday, and found it empty. But today, finding the 13s. insufficient, and being told that something had been put in, I opened it, and found 3s. 6d., which nicely helped us through. And we are now looking to the Lord for more. In the mean time I shall this morning attend to the sale of whatever has been given to be sold.

One of the items is this: "Spent by Mr. Trentwith, Mr. Robinson, my self & Mr. May, at St. Earth, Gwynear, Camborne and other places to discover the Sugar stollen by Teage being out two dayes, £1 3s. 6d." It is amusing to notice how the writer's modesty held good until he had recorded the names of Trentwith and Robinson, after which it rebelled and insisted on taking precedence of Mr. May.

On inquiry, how the sisters had been carried through the day, I found it thus: everything was in the houses which was needed for dinner. After dinner a lady from Thornbury came and bought one of my Narratives and one of the Reports, and gave 3s. besides. About five minutes afterwards the baker came to the Boys’-Orphan-House.

'All lovers of animals should read Miss Benson's book. For sympathetic understanding, humorous criticism, and appreciative observation she certainly has not her equal. Manchester Guardian. GRAY. ELSA. A Novel. By E. M'QUEEN GRAY. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. 'A charming novel. The characters are not only powerful sketches, but minutely and carefully finished portraits. Guardian.

"There's a halfpenny along with that," said Doyle, "as often as not." "Anyway," said Gallagher, "it won't be less than £104 3s. 4d." "The Urban District Council," said Doyle, "will take a delight in passing that vote of thanks to Mr. Billing at its next meeting, and it'll be a good strong vote, won't it, Thady?"

They were earning 8-1/4d. a day at task work, whilst meal was 3s. a stone; and the next shop in which it was sold for that sum was often a great distance from them in some cases twenty, and even five-and-twenty miles! The following paragraph went the round of the newspapers at the close of December: "A FACT JOB LORD JOHN RUSSELL. Mr.

The artificers, having wrought seven and a half hours of extra time to-day, had 3s. 9d. of extra pay, while the foremen had 7s. 6d. over and above their stated pay and board. Although, therefore, the work was both hazardous and fatiguing, yet, the encouragement being considerable, they were always very cheerful, and perfectly reconciled to the confinement and other disadvantages of the place.

This must have been for the birth of the Pretender, of warming-pan celebrity. For a pint of brandy, when Mr. George Bell preached here, 1s. 4d. When the Dean of Durham preached here, spent in a treat with him, 3s. 6d. For a stranger that preacht, a dozen of ale, 1s."