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Further, one Sunday school in Bristol, with 184 children, was entirely supported, and two others in Devonshire and Gloucestershire, with 213 children, were assisted. Lastly, an adult school in Bristol, with 90 persons in it, was entirely supported. The expenses connected with all these various schools were, during this period, £379, 17s.

From 850 to 240 all these figures are of course approximations: there was pralaya in China; on the other side of the world, it was the period of Celtic eruptions and probably, disruption. While Tsin Shi Hwangti, from 246 to 213, was establishing the modern Chinese Empire, the Gauls made their last incursion into Italy.

In 213 he called a great meeting in the Hall of Audience at Changan. See the squat burly figure enthroned in grand splendor; the twelve weighty statues arranged around; the chief civil and military officers of the empire, thorough Taoists like himself, gathered on one side; the Academies and Censorates, all the leaders of the literati, on the other. The place was big enough for a largish meeting.

Jan. 3, 1833, Parker, Sir Robert Peel, ii., 213. Russell, Recollections and Suggestions, p. 113. Parker, Sir Robert Peel, ii., 212-16. Greville, Memoirs, ii., 364, 365. The year 1833, so fruitful in legislation, may be said to have witnessed the birth of a religious movement which has profoundly affected the character of the national Church.

Mythological Phars. ii. 715; iv. 549; vii. 144. Theb. ii. 81; iv. 140; xii. 224, 270. Theb. i. 370; iii. 255; vi. 777; vii. 864. The Winds Aen. x. 856. Phars. i. 498. Theb. i. 194; iii. 432; v. 704. The Boar Aen. x. 707. Theb. viii. 533. Trees Aen. ix. 675. Phars. i. 136. Theb. viii. 545. Birds Aen. v. 213; xii. 473; xi. 721; vii. 699. Theb. ix. 858; xii. 15.

Of 213 members of the Long Parliament only ninety were thus permitted to sit, and of these only seventy actually did sit. Those who were not pronounced Republicans were excluded by the rough-and- ready method of a military guard placed at the door of the House.

On that momentous day, the voting in the States showed 2,213,665 Republican votes, to which were added 116,887 votes of soldiers in the field, electing 212 presidential electors; 1,802,237 Democratic votes, to which were added 33,748 votes of soldiers in the field, electing 21 presidential electors. Mr.

Then by the same process as before, 8,000/37.4 = 213.9, the centrifugal force in terms of the weight: 213.9 x 7, the diameter of the wheel = 1497.3, the square root of which, 38.3 x 4.01 = 155.187 feet per second, the highest velocity of the rims of railway carriage wheels that is consistent with safety. 155.187 feet per second is equivalent to 105.8 miles an hour.

At Muker, however, there is a steep bridge and a rushing mountain stream that joins the Swale just below. The road keeps close to this beck, and the houses are thus restricted to one side of the way. Away to the south, in the direction of the Buttertubs Pass, is Stags Fell, 2,213 feet above the sea, and something like 1,300 feet above Muker.

Kenelm Digby, Private Memoirs of Sir Kenelm Digby, Gentleman of the Bedchamber to King Charles the First, London, 1827, Preface, p. i. Kenelm Digby, Two Treatises, in the One of Which, The Nature of Bodies; in the Other, the Nature of Mans Soule; is Looked into, Paris, 1644, p. 213. Ibid., p. 220. Ibid., pp. 220-221. Ibid., p. 222. Ibid., p. 215. Ibid., p. 219. Ibid., p. 213. Ibid., pp. 217-219.