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The young disciple of Simon Stevinus now resumed that practical demonstration of his principles which had been in the previous year so well begun. On the 28th May, 1592, Maurice, taking the field with six thousand foot and two thousand horse, came once more before Steenwyck.

Also Gibson, Codex, ii, 1001. See p. 18 and p. 20 infra. For the duty to read the injunctions or the articles based on them see p. 32 infra. See 5 Eliz. c. 3. Stats. of the Realm, iv, Pt. i, 411. Also Visitation of Warrington Deanery in 1592 by the Bishop of Chester in Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Soc. Trans., n. s., x , 186 et passim. Hereinafter cited as Warrington Deanery Visit.

For even yet, being the 7th June 1592, the water we brought out of Benin on the 1st of April 1591, is as clear and good as any fountain can yield. In this voyage we sailed 350 leagues within half a degree of the equator, where we found the weather more temperate than at our anchorage on the coast of Benin.

He accordingly enrolled himself as a scholar in arts at the university of Pisa, on the 5th of November, 1581, and pursued his medical studies under the celebrated botanist Andrew Cæsalpinus, who filled the chair of medicine from 1567 to 1592. In order to study the principles of music and drawing, Galileo found it necessary to acquire some knowledge of geometry.

Again, in the foresaid act, they confirm all the article of the 114th Act, 1592, except the part of it anent patronages, which is to be afterward considered.

Though coldness for a baby was unpleasant in 1870 it was infinitely more tiresome in 1592 and perfectly devastating in 1306.

Disaster, however, followed him from the first. He was deserted by one of his captains, and failing to get through the Straits of Magellan, was compelled to return home. He died of a broken heart, after a vain search for Saint Helena, where he hoped to refresh his crew, towards the end of the year 1592.

He was created a cardinal in 1585, and in 1592 succeeded Innocent IX. He reconciled Henri IV to the Church of Rome, attached the duchy of Ferrara to the Holy See, organized the famous congregations de auxiliis on grace and free-will, and contributed to the Peace of Vervins. He died in 1605. Alessandro de Medicis, who succeeded Clement VIII in 1605, and died the same year.

This school was founded by one John Lyon, a farmer of the parish, who died in 1592. Attached to it there are four exhibitions of 20 pounds each, and two scholarships of 50 pounds each. The grand celebrity of the school rests upon the education of those who are not on the foundation.

The 26 of Iuly 1592, in my returning out of Barbary in the ship called the Amity of London, being in the height of 36 degrees or thereabout, at foure of the clocke in the morning we had sight of two shippes, being distant from vs about three or foure leagues: by seuen of the clocke we fetched them vp, and were within gunshot: whose boldnesse, hauing the king of Spaines armes displayed, did make vs judge them rather ships of warre then laden with marchandise.