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The above account of church-ales has been derived partly from Stubbes and from a curious little pamphlet, edited by Rev. Fredk. Brown in 1883, entitled On some Star Chamber Proceedings, 34 Eliz. 1592; partly, also, from many churchwardens acc'ts, in particular the Seal Acc'ts in Surrey Arch. Expenses for all manner of provisions and delicacies, for minstrels and evidently, too, for a play occur.

A solemn and public disputation was held during this session in presence of Lord Keeper Bacon, between the divines of the Protestant and those of the Catholic communion. * I Eliz. cap. 2. Strype, vol. i. p. 79. * Strype, vol. i. p. 95. Penalties were enacted, as well against those who departed from this mode of worship, as against those who absented themselves from the church and the sacraments.

When it was near midnight the imaginary pageant suddenly came to an end, as in all cases of enchantment. Eliz grew tired; one of the lamps smoked and had to be extinguished; the fire had burned low. Madge declared that the company had departed. She went out of the room to call the servant, but in a few minutes she came back discomfited, a little pout on her lips. 'Isn't it tiresome!

The native uncritical tendency of the drama is to throw up hats and halloo for Elizabeth and an open Bible. In place of this, Cecil delivers a well-considered analysis of the character of Elizabeth "Eliz. Cecil.

He had no sooner entered the room where Madge stood than he wished he were well out of it again, so far did his sympathy with her discomfort transcend his own pleasure at being in her presence. Madge stood, as upon the first night, behind her sister's chair. Eliz looked frightened and excited, yet as half enjoying the novel excitement.

When Robert Ferguson's door opened, his heart was on his lips. "Eliz " he began, and stopped short. "Oh, Miss White. Good morning, Miss White!" And before poor Cherry-pie knew it, he had given her a great hug; "Where is Elizabeth? Not out of bed yet? Oh, the lazybones!"

How dare you! Abashed, knowing not what he might have done to offend, Courthope fell back a step against the wall of the staircase. From within the room Eliz cried, 'Is he there?

You will believe this; for you know that, like Callythorpe, I never flatter. Farewell for the present. Sincerely yours, HAVERFIELD. Q. Eliz. Shall I be tempted of the devil thus? K. Rich. Ay, if the devil tempt thee to do good. Q. Eliz. Shall I forget myself to be myself?

I should not like to think that Emma and Elizabeth, and Evelina or Marianna Alcoforado should ever hear that I was taken for a thief. 'You are laughing at us, said Eliz sharply. 'We know that you will go away and make fun of us to all your friends.

'We have enjoyed it ever so much more because you were here. She held out her hand; her face was radiant; he knew that she spoke the simple truth. She lifted the puny Eliz in her arms and proceeded to walk slowly up the straight staircase which occupied one half of the long central hall.